Page 31 of King Takes Queen

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Anthony inwardly groaned at Camdon’s smile. The man was clearly planning to take advantage of Minerva’s misstep in moving her queen. Except Minerva didn’t make mistakes.

Anthony glanced at the chessboard once more. Was Minerva sending him or Camdon a subliminal message? Was she as vulnerable and exposed as her queen?

Camdon lounged back in his chair. When Minerva finally met his gaze, her wily opponent said, “I gather you are eager to finish the game quickly this eve, given your quick and decisive moves.”

“While I love the game of chess, I also enjoy a dance or two”—she made a point of looking around at the guests—“and it appears there are others who share the sentiment.”

Camdon leaned closer over the board, pretending to study the pieces. Thankfully, Anthony was able to read lips, for the man spoke so quietly that no one but Minerva would hear him say, “They are free to do as they please. No one is forcing them to stay.”

Mirroring her challenger’s actions, Minerva replied, “Afraid you shall lose?”

Anthony didn’t care for the intimate nature of their verbal sparring. Minerva’s eyes were alight with interest. Damn Camdon and his mysterious allure.

Camdon replied, “Not in the least. In fact, I believe I’m in a prime position to win.” He reached for his knight and placed it next to Minerva’s pawn, at the ready to take her piece.

The significance of the pieces that both Minerva and Camdon had chosen to play wasn’t lost on Anthony—pawns, bishops, the knight, and the queen. He simply hadn’t figured out if he was the bishop or the knight.

Minerva tilted her head slightly and pierced Anthony with a stare and a breathtaking smile. He gathered that her actions meant she was going to place Camdon in check once more, but how?

She answered his silent question, moving her pawn forward to take the pawn protecting Camdon’s king but leaving her queen primed and ready for the taking. Minerva whispered, “Check.”

A trickle of dread ran down Anthony’s spine. Again, if he were her opponent, he’d be indebted to yet another secret. He would have owed her two, while he would have gained none of hers, for Anthony was in total agreement with Camdon’s play thus far—and the man was about to lose.

It was clear Camdon was oblivious to Minerva’s scheme. The man grinned and moved his knight to take her queen.

Minerva had lured Camdon’s attention away and sacrificed her queen to win.

She shifted slightly and straightened her back, as if she was partially shocked at having lost her queen. Anthony shook his head. She was a far better actress than he had thought.

Utilizing her signature move, Minerva tapped her forefinger to her chin, feigning contemplation until they all heard Mansville’s gasp. That was her cue—Minerva reached for her bishop hiding behind her pawn and placed it in the diagonal between Camdon’s knight and king. “Checkmate.”

Camdon rose to his feet and offered his hand to assist Minerva to stand. “Well played, my lady. Perhaps you will grant me a dance to soothe my aching heart.”

“It would be my pleasure, my lord.”

Chestwick’s hand landed solidly at the center of Anthony’s back, sending him lurching forward. “If I was to guess, Minerva intends to take you down next. That is, if I interpreted the game correctly and you were indeed Camdon’s knight.”

Diana stood and nodded. “Husband, there is no question in my mind as to what my sister plans next. Defeat Drake and win her freedom to do as she pleases.”

Chestwick rose and wrapped and arm about his wife. “And has marriage prevented you from doing what you please?”

Diana swatted her husband’s chest and giggled. “You know very well it hasn’t.”

Anthony’s mind was spinning. The loving couple’s exchange had reminded him of the type of marriage he longed for and confirmed his suspicions that Minerva had no intention of intentionally losing their match. Not only must he win her hand in the chess game, he’d have to win her heart back too.

Mansville slid into the seat next to Anthony. The room was empty. How long had he remained staring at the chessboard?

“Are you going to challenge Lady Minerva?”

“What interest do you have in the matter?” Anthony turned to face the vile man that had tormented Minerva for the past three years.

“Lady Minerva threatens us all. Men are the superior sex, and she needs to be reminded of the fact.”

Mansville was an idiot. Anthony stood. “I’d advise you to continue to keep your distance from Lady Minerva, and once she’s my wife, you had best never go near her again.”

“Careful, Drake—your best friend Kent and his lot will need votes this session.”

“My days of being agreeable and neutral are over. If you fail to heed my warning, I can assure you, your vote will no longer hold any weight. It is you who shall need to be careful going forward.” Anthony swiveled and left the room, determined to find Minerva. He was intent on the task at hand—publicly challenging Minerva to a chess match. A match that should have taken place years ago.
