Page 19 of Kissed By Her

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“Okay, now I’m getting cold,” she said, shivering. “Where are you sitting? Esme and I will come say hello.”

I pointed and she waved as she headed back up the beach toward her wife, Esme, who had a large towel held out and waiting for her.

“They’re so cute,” Joy said. “I love it when they have their book club. I mean, their Non Book Club. I don’t get it, but that group is great.”

The three of us also decided the water was too cold, so we got out and took a little walk up and down the beach to warm up.

I watched families building sandcastles, and little kids riding the waves with boogie boards. Everyone was having a good time and the energy was rubbing off on me.

We ventured over the rocks at the other end of the beach to look for seashells and to gaze into the tidepools. All three of us got hungry and headed to the snack bar for burgers, hot dogs, fries, onion rings, and sodas with just the right amount of ice.

The three of us claimed a picnic table in the shade and ate so fast that none of us really said anything until we were full.Paige and Esme had come by to say hello before heading out since Esme had to work that night.

“Last onion ring,” I said, holding up the container. Joy and Syd fought each other for it. Joy won and Syd pouted.

“Would an ice cream make you feel better?” I asked.

“Maybe,” Sydney said. “I’d have to eat it to find out.”

We took our ice creams back to our chairs and did a sunblock reapplication once we’d finished.

“Nap time,” Sydney announced, pulling a blanket out of her bag and putting it down next to her chair. “Wake me if I start to sizzle.”

Joy pulled out a paperback, our next book club selection, and I opened my latest read on my ereader.

Something at the edge of my vision distracted me for a second and I looked up. A woman had gone in swimming and was emerging from the water, pushing her hair back from her face.

Fuck, she was hot. She walked out of the water, the waves crashing around her. Her bikini was white and had so many cutouts that it was barely covering anything. Not that she should cover anything, because her body was incredible. My mouth went dry and I couldn’t look away. There was something about this woman. The way she walked, like liquid sex. She was hot and she knew it and wanted everyone to know she knew it.

I could feel sweat trickling down my body that had nothing to do with the sun beating down on me.

I knew I was absolutely ogling this woman, but it was hard not to. She came closer and then I realized her face looked familiar.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuccccckkkkkkkkkk.

I wanted to dive under my chair, but that wasn’t an option, so I just looked down at my phone as quickly as I could and hoped my sunglasses hid most of my face and that she hadn’t seen me.

My heart pounded louder than the waves against the sand as I waited for her to walk away.

“You okay over there?” Joy asked, looking over at me as I hyperventilated.

“Is she gone?” I asked as quietly as I could.


“Honor. She was right here,” I said, my voice low. Joy sat up and looked around before I could tell her not to be so obvious.

“Do you want the good news or the bad news?” Joy asked.

“What’s the good news?” I asked.

“Um, sorry, there isn’t any good news because she’s coming this way. Sorry.”

I slid lower in my chair, wishing for the powers of invisibility.

A shadow fell across me and there was no way I couldn’t look up.

“Got a day off?” Honor asked. She’d gotten a towel and was using it on her body to dry herself. My mouth went completely dry as she brushed it across her chest, drawing attention to her boobs. Honor moved slowly with a little smirk on her face.
