Page 77 of Tempted By Her

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Her eyes closed and she let out a little whimper. “Fuck yes you can.”

Now I didn’t necessarily get off on the taste of silicone, but that didn’t matter. It was the act. I made sure to keep eye contact with Lark as she looked down at me as I treated the dildo as an extension of her body.

“You ready to fuck me, love?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said.

I lay back on the bed and grabbed a bottle of lube, squirting just a little bit in my hand before covering the dildo. I was already drenched in anticipation, but I liked adding a little extra smoothness.

Lark took a little bit to position herself at my entrance, teasing me with the dildo.

“Now who’s being mean?” I asked as she entered me with the very tip before pulling out.

“This is my first time doing this. I want to get the full experience,” she said, pushing inside an inch before leaving again.

“Fuck,” I said, grabbing onto her hips as if I could control what she was doing.

“Look at me,” Lark said, a little bit of command in her voice. There was a burgeoning top inside her, and I loved those little moments when that side of her came out.

I gazed into her eyes as she pushed halfway into me, and then out.

“Fuck me,” I begged.

“Like this?” she said, going halfway again, a little smirk on her face.

“You know what I want,” I said.

“What do you want, Syd?” she said.

“I want you to fucking fuck me hard, Lark,” I said, growing impatient.

She laughed in her throat.

“Like this?”

She punctuated her words with a hard thrust all the way inside me and I almost cried in relief.

“Yes,” I said as she withdrew and slammed into me again. “Exactly like that.”

As if she’d been waiting for me to say the word, Lark pounded into me with so much enthusiasm, I was hurtling over the edge of a sharp, hard climax within a short time. I did my best to keep my eyes open as I came, locking my gaze on her. She was so fucking beautiful and powerful and sexy and everything I could ever have possibly wanted that my orgasm lengthened until everything inside me collapsed against the mattress.

When I didn’t say anything for a few moments, Lark leaned down to peer into my face.

“Are you alive?” she asked.

I pushed my eyelids open. “Barely.”

Lark chuckled and lay next to me. “You liked that,” she said, pushing my hair out of my face.

“Hell yeah I did,” I said, turning my head so I could continue to look at her. “Did you like it?”

She lifted her top leg. “Why don’t you find out?”

The harness was crotchless, so I snuck my hand under the dildo and stroked her entrance, which was dripping.

“I guess you did,” I said, plunging two fingers inside her as her eyes fluttered closed and she pushed against me.

It took a little maneuvering, but I was dexterous enough to get her to come with just a few thrusts of my fingers and a few circles of her clit.
