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So easily did he shrug off her concern. “No matter.” He flicked his hand toward the smaller building and beyond. “I shall see it dumped out and rinsed.”

Her face heated as he reached her. Heated even more when he lifted several fingers and brushed them across her flaming cheek. “Do my eyes deceive me, or did we finally chance across a topic that the intrepid Maryann is uncomfortable discussing?”

Oh my. His eyes were blue, the striking blue of a jay in flight, whipping its wings and propelling itself forward. Her treacherous heart beat just as fast.

For they were the sort of blue one never forgot.

But you must forget!

With the sun above the horizon, she could see him clearly for the first time. The stubble that covered his cheeks and chin grew in a bit patchy, showing a couple of sparse areas below his bottom lip and on one cheek. The ends of his hair were sun-lightened, the rest a rich brown.

In the light of day, he looked wholly disreputable, delightful, and—woe to her heart—desirous.

That’s not even a word!

It most certainly is! she shouted back. Now do be quiet.

She wanted to hug him. Wanted to feel the hard press of his body against hers again.

Shameful hussy.

Anne resigned herself to the truth.

For who else in her life—save Harri, who brought them up—had she ever been bold enough, comfortable enough with to discuss the most indelicate of topics?

“We did, I fear. The thought of…” She now gestured to the far building he’d indicated. “Chamber pot content disposal,” she whispered, as though the words themselves should be banned, “not something one discusses outside of…er, family.”

He laughed. “Do you forget, oh modest one, I shared barracks and a multitude of appalling accommodations with other soldiers? Bodily functions are certainly not new to me.”

She bit her lips hard, had to consciously release them—and only did so when he drew one hot finger across the tight seam. “But sharing them so intimately with another is quite new to me.”

He shifted closer. “If we are going to talk of intimate things, I can think of any number preferable to chamber pots.”

She grinned, even as her hands crept to his chest and climbed higher, until they jointly rested upon his shoulders. For shame, Anne. Just what are you inviting?

She wasn’t sure. But she hoped he would.

He drew his hand off her face and nodded as if coming to a decision. “I will only speak of this once and please forgive me for any perceived, though unintended, insult or slight, for that is not how this is meant, I assure you.” He closed those beautiful eyes she could stare into for hours, then lifted his lids and swore. “Would that I could make you my mistress.”

She gasped. Shock burning her hands off his shoulders until she clasped them in front of her chest, the sides of her smallest fingers barely grazing his coat when he inhaled. But she didn’t step away. Didn’t feel insulted.

You should!

She felt… Curious. Not quite flattered, but mayhap…complimented? He has just insulted you beyond anything you have heard before.

Hush! Anne ordered that nagging voice. Wanting to hear what else he might say, this bold, wicked gamekeeper of hers.

Oh, so now you are going to claim him? All that snow must have dripped into your ears, blurred your brain of any sense or sanity.

Or mayhap ’twas that kiss. And the hours, and others since…

“I know.” Ed held her gaze, felt his lips lift in a stiff grin. Was both amazed—and relieved—she hadn’t slapped him for the sentiment. “Totally inappropriate, to suggest something of the sort after such a short acquaintance. To a woman of your obvious quality. Please do not be insulted.”

She regarded him in such a way he was completely baffled. What had her gasp conveyed? Was it outrage? Or, dare he hope, excitement?

It matters not, you blackguard! Would you betray your almost-betrothed, one Miss Larchmont, before you ever meet her?

Should I sacrifice my happiness forevermore? For of a sudden, it seemed of great import that he speak what was in his heart—the beginnings of exactly what, he knew not. But the thought of never seeing her again wounded as surely as a blade.
