Page 85 of Kings of Seduction

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I looked at the nametag that hung on his jacket.

Ayers Enterprises.

I did that. I made that tag happen.

Just as I made his daughter lying dead on the ground happen.

Ferris’s miracle was just dust in the wind compared to the tragedy that had struck their family.

Ferris... ‘I need Ferris,’ I murmured with a final cry as the feeling that the world I knew was about to come to an end was starting to hunt my mind.

‘Cole, can you take her home?’ Brax asked, probably knowing that when it came to feelings and that kind of emotion, he was the worst man for the job.

Though life didn’t always agree with him.

‘The police asked me to make a statement. I can’t leave right now. They didn’t say anything about Bea, so at least she can leave.’

‘Okay. I’ll take her then.’ Brax nodded, looking straight at me. ‘Just keep an eye on things and try to see if you can find out anything more. I’ll have my men check the streets after I take Bea home. Someone has to know something.’

I could read the anxiety carved in his expressions. He was uselessly trying to hide it under that mask of anger he usually puts on. I knew better than to believe in his facade ever again. He was concerned about me being the main target.

‘Cole, call me if anything shows up.’ Brax gestured to one of his guards to bring the car around, then watched me like a hawk until I got inside the vehicle.

I couldn’t say a word between the tears, and I had a feeling that Brax didn’t want me to speak either. I knew that he was never good at sharing emotions yet was so perfectly flawed in so many other different ways.

His comfort didn’t come with well-thought phrases but with a gesture that outshone any other consolation anyone could give me. With toned-down motions, he reached for my hand, then tugged it between the collar of his jacket and straight over his heart. He was probably never going to say it, but he was showing me in the most genuine manner he could.

I owned his heart.

Maybe my reaction wasn’t the one he was anticipating. The pure emotion only amplified my tears, placing extra pressure on my already burdened soul. I couldn’t help but draw my ear next to my fingers, which were spread across his chest, in a desperate attempt to ease my pain. The electrifying sounds of his heartbeats were bringing as little life as they could back into my being while his hand, which had just sneaked to secure my head against his chest, was easing me to breathe properly for the first time that day.

He was going to be there for me. I could hear his unspoken promise, flowing like a river of commitment to always protect me.

Yet, he couldn’t fully understand me. Not the way Ferris did. And Brax knew that. He would probably be able to help me with my pain. But he would never be able live the shattering emotions by my side.

‘I’ll be back later to check up on you.’ He kissed me goodbye so he could return to what he did best— keeping us informed. Information is power, and it had always been a starting point for all of our actions. We needed to know what we were up against, and there was no man better for the job than Brax.

To my surprise, Ferris was waiting for me on the steps of his mansion, rushing towards the car the second it pulled to a stop.

I was in his arms before I could realize it, though I couldn’t take my eyes off Brax. There was something inside of him breaking because he couldn’t take care of me the way Ferris could.

Brax was the hunter, and Ferris the healer. That was the way our world functioned and how it will continue to work from there on. And then there was Cole. He was the right man at the right place, constantly helping me handle every fucked-up thing in my life, while I could only try to do the same for him.

Ferris didn’t ask if I was okay or not. He knew the answer to that question better than I did, sensing the burden my soul carried without me having to say anything at all. Locking his eyes on mine, he drew me closer, intoxicating me with the spicy scent of his cologne. The same scent that used to drive my senses wild now soothed them as I found it to be bringing me a feeling of home.

I was home.

No matter how fucked up it may seem, Ferris’s mansion had become my home, not because of the material nature of the bricks lying around me, but because of the people living within. My kings lived there now, and whether I liked it or not, they were my home.

Not a sound was wasted before Ferris imprinted the shape of his lips on mine, lifting me from the ground and helping me to become just a grain of dust between his arms. Just like he knew exactly the place where I needed to be, he gently laid me on the sofa in his room and cocooned me in an extra fluffy blanket, hiding me far away from the rest of the world.

I wished that could make me feel safe.

I thought that could make me feel safe.

But a devastating feeling of guilt canceled every single one of his attempts to get me to recover.

I couldn’t overcome the thought that I was wrapped up in warm blankets while my best friend was lying cold on the M.E.’s table.
