Page 93 of Kings of Seduction

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I didn’t want him to tell me that he loved me. Not like that.

I needed the strong, arrogant Cole that I used to hate and love so much.

It couldn’t be the end game because it wasn’t going to beThe king is dead/ Long live the king.It was going to be the end of the kingdom.

‘Someone help him,’ I screamed so loud that my voice reached the depths of the sky, begging God himself to let me keep him for a little longer. ‘Cole,’ I pleaded until no sounds were left in my mouth. ‘It’s going to be all right. I promise.’

Maybe it was a lie. I had no power over that promise. Not like he had over his,I will always protect you. Always!

I never imagined that his words would ever prove to be so accurate.

I never imagined that it could come to any of my kings losing their lives.

I never left his side. I don’t remember even breathing, just praying for a sign that he would beat this.

Our fate was written in the stars.

We couldn’t escape it, and we couldn’t avoid it.

All we could do was embrace it. But I would never be ready to embrace his loss.

I begged and cursed the gods, hoping for a miracle.

I couldn’t be responsible for this too. I couldn’t be responsible for the death of the man I loved. I convinced myself of that thought, imagining somehow that it would keep him by my side.

Just a way the universe was laughing at me once again.

I tried to crash my lips on his, hoping that I could help him breathe, that I could keep him alive until the help would come. But there was so much blood spreading so fast to coat the ground. A devastating image crowned with the last pulses of his heart as I was praying through tears to hear the next and the next sound.

That was until the sounds stopped.

No matter how hard my imagination was trying to fool myself that his heart was still beating, the last flicker of life in his eyes was dying until the blue orbs became as cold as Jenna’s.

My king was gone.
