Page 100 of The Book of Kings

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Luckily Brax caught me to ask a few quick questions about brunch with the governor, forcing me to focus more on my mission than on whatever drives were about to take control of my mind and body.

And if those monsters weren’t enough for the night. Bea forced a confession out of Brax that made my heart stop for a second. He had brought me my revenge by killing the murderer of my parents.

I had no idea how I should have responded to that.

Should I have screamed out of joy or pain?

My thoughts were becoming so foggy that I wasn’t even in the room with them any longer. I just seemed to have been petrified, having difficulties processing the information.

In a way,I wished I was there to hear the one responsible for their deaths scream as he perished under Brax’s wrath. But the news made me think of my parents’ screams... of the way, my mother begged Benjamin to spare me.

The thought brought a throwing-up sensation building up in the pit of my stomach as I found myself in desperate need of another glass of vodka.

I never answered Brax. I did not know what to say or even if I should speak at that moment. It was like my brain was shutting down and rebooting to function on another level. A fucked-up level. One that would be sure to destroy everything I’ve created. Every little progress I’ve made.

By the time I came back to my senses, Cole had joined Brax in the room, holding Bea captive so that the king of the underworld could play one of the games we used to play back at the Academy.

I instantly recognized what they were doing. The quiet fight for dominance as Brax was trying to prove who is boss, sneaking a hand in Bea’s panties and making her squirm with longing against his fingers.

He was claiming authority, paying her a lesson she probably deserved. She was no angel when it came to running her mouth, and that could quickly annoy men like us. It wasn’t about being misogynistic. It was about general respect, and let’s face it, there were times when she couldn’t control her tongue.

Brax asked me to join them. If I was on one of my good days, I would probably have.But I was far from being okay and no type of entertainment could ever save me from myself.

Their notion offunsomehow reminded me of the good old times, except it was taken to a whole new level. If in the past the girls who used to share our bedrooms were coming there for one specific purpose, Bea seemed to have been stuck in a game she had no idea of.

It was exactly the kind of innocence that made things all that more exciting. In fact, so thrilling that it made me forget my own problems for a short while.

I could distinctly notice Brax going further with his actions, insisting to move inside her panties with such fervor that only moments after I could see her knees shake. She was unable to even stand, being supported by Cole’s arms.

For a split second, I thought about joining them. But there was something still holding me to my spot on the couch. I wasn’t well and who knows what getting up from there would have led to?

Soon, I drifted back to my parallel world, drowning between flashes of the past until I realized I was alone. I had no idea what time it was, or when everyone had left. The lights in the house were out, and I found myself surrounded by a silence I didn’t like. It was the same silence Iheardon that tragic night as my eyes were closing with the image of my parents’ blood coating the floor.

I poured myself yet another glass, trying to push my demons back, although the very next image I saw seemed to have awakened them even more. Brax and Bea were sharing my swimming pool, definitely not forswimming —or at least not with that sole purpose in mind. They were tangled up in a lustful rhythm, moving like they were relying on one another for the next breath of air.

I felt aroused well beyond my limits. Maybe it was a strange reaction but I even considered joining them. However, it seemed to be their moment of privacy. Or more likely a moment of weakness from Brax since I never saw him act around another person the way he does around Bea.

With a dull pain shadowing my soul, I could tell the feeling was mutual. She looked at him the way she used to look at me. And if seeing them having sex didn’t have an effect on me, seeing her falling in love with him did.

Still, I couldn’t take my eyes off them, analyzing their every move, but more specifically their every gesture of tenderness. It was like I was watching the beginning of the end, and it was only a matter of time before he would take her away from me.

In a way, I was at peace. They both deserved a happy ending, and with me, Bea could never have one. But on the other hand, I was blinded by jealousy, wanting a final shot at the last chance to ever be free from my nightmares. I considered her to be the only one who could ever free me from those. And with that, I wouldn’t let her go.

Despite the lights being turned off in the room I was in, Bea seemed to have noticed my presence as the last waves of orgasm were leaving her body. With a look of petrified horror encrypted on her face, she broke from Brax’s embrace and almost ran back to the car that brought her here.

She should have known better that running wouldn’t help. Sooner or later she would need to face me. And I wouldn’t be alone. I would be surrounded by my darkness. All wicked thoughts would conjoin to get my own share of the thrill her presence was bringing along.

Bea’s path couldn’t be separated from ours for too long. The very next evening she was finding her way back to my place. This time, at another one of our reunions, meant to establish the final details of her and Cole’s weekend getaway to meet the governor’s son.

However, I had very different plans in mind. I wished for her to chase my demons away, and if that wasn’t possible, the least she could do was entertain them.

She just needed a little nudge and as soon as she stepped outside on the balcony for a breath of fresh air, I decided to intervene. Another of my medicine cocktail did the trick, and since she had already poured herself a drink while we were inside, another refill didn’t look suspicious at all.

I might have just exaggerated a little, and doubled the dose. But the night couldn’t hold any more postponement. I needed to make sure it would work.

My plan was a success. She didn’t even get to finish the glass as her legs were failing her. Luckily herherowas there to save the day… or the night, in our case.

I quickly offered my own body for support. Except she didn’t want support. She wanted my lips.
