Page 139 of The Book of Kings

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It was the most generous offer I ever made to a woman, but I was also adding that to the ever-growing list of things I screwed up since I met her.

I changed into a new suit so fast that one might think that I was competing with Clark Kent in the phone booth.

‘I’ll be claiming my payment in two days,’ I snarled, walking straight out of the room like I was trespassing on enemy ground.

I was a fucking moron, lying through my teeth about having any kind of business at the club. It was my first night off in ages and there I was returning to a meeting with a bottle of McCallen after I managed to chase myself out of my own bedroom.

I only woke up the next morning with a headache and a pulsating pain in my fists.

What have I done?I was somehow afraid to open my eyes and see the actual damage. I knew myself all too well, it wouldn’t have been the first time my anger issues got me over the edge.

Three punch holes in the left wall.

I closed my eyes again, focusing on the splinters of pain radiating in my fists. I deserved that. Especially since the next wreckage I discovered was my desk.

10k custom-made... poof after a bottle of whiskey.

Okay, make that two bottles since the second one was lying next to the couch almost drained.

At least I didn’t break the fucking door. It was triple reinforced with bulletproof material, but I reckon from the ache in my wrists I must’ve turned Popeye and given it my best shot anyway.

I was a fool. If I had a dollar for every time I managed to fuck things up for myself over the last week, it would get me a brand new Ferarri.

Things needed to change and that would take immediate effect with our very next encounter.

Chapter 32

Imade Lucia change the sheets on my bed the second I returned to my bedroom. Bea was gone, but her perfume clung to my pillows like a constant memory of the image of her resting between them.

Maybe I would need to change the whole fucking room because I couldn’t diminish that urge of having her there with me again.

But I would have my chance. Maybe not in my own bedroom, but she would be entirely mine — for a night. That was all I wanted anyway.

I was always the greedy type. Ever since I was a child, I used to enter a cake shop and want a taste of everything on display.

And that was exactly what I needed from her. She had been on display in Randy’s office and I craved a piece of her. It was that simple. No further complications needed. Just a piece of thecakeso I could move on to the next.

I was on fucking self-repeat mode, like an actor rehearsing for a play until he gets it in his system. And it seemed I was getting my share of the cake sooner than expected. I was just arriving in the next town for a short business trip when I received a call from the men surveilling her father’s establishment. They were almost set to go.

Yet, it was a matter I personally wanted to attend to. I was to join them as soon as I took care of the lasttaskon my list.

That was leading me straight to Bea’s door. At least that was what I initially planned.

I was just driving to the address she gave me in the Hills when I took a left turn through a narrow side street and a van blocked my way.

Even before I could stop the car, my hand was tightly clasped on the handle of my gun, ready to blow anyone out of this world. Enemies, thieves… the list of dangers could go on for-fucking-ever but as soon as the van’s door opened, I realized who I was dealing with.


Fucking Annelids were daring to block my way!

I didn’t even wait for them to approach my car. Just stormed right out of my driver’s seat sharing fists like I was their personal Santa Clause.

‘Stand back,’ I could hear one of them roar. All chances were he was one of their leaders, calling his men to back down.

‘Do you know who the fuck you’re dealing with?’ I groaned with every intention to end their miserable lives for such audacity.

‘I apologize, we thought you were Elite.’ I recognized the man that spoke as being the same leader who had asked me for funding for the Annelid movements just a few days before.
