Page 149 of The Book of Kings

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‘It’s complicated. I wasn’t exactly in the friendliest of moods.’ He filled his lungs with all air residing in the room. I knew that feeling all too well. ‘It wasn’t just you. It was everyone. My people skills are like inexistent.’

‘I’m not exactly the king of people skills either,’ I downed the contents of the glass, to numb my pain again since the trip up the stairs seemed to have worn me out.

I think we talked for almost half an hour. Baby-steps. And that was just my clumsy rhythm at socializing. Maybe it seemed weird at first, but some good old memories have brought us to a much more relaxed place. In fact, so relaxed that I forgot all about the sharp jabs of the ache constantly running in between my ribs.

And that even got Ferris’s attention. ‘You kinda look like shit.”

‘Was that a compliment?’ I muttered, realizing it was time for me to take a seat.

‘For real. What happened?’ he asked, pouring me an extra glass.

‘I ended up with a piece of lead between my ribs. Nothing serious. But it hurts like hell.’

‘Here,’ he offered me the glass, continuing his questioning. ‘From when you went to get Bea’s siblings?’

‘Jesus, is it local news?’ I muttered, acknowledging that I was exposing myself a little too much because of her.

‘I just figured it had to be from there. After I saw you at her place the other day, I had a feeling you were the one who retrieved them.’ Ferris was smart enough to piece things together.

‘Well, that was part of my deal.’ I wished that was all I said to him, but curiosity was eating me alive. ‘And you? Are you fucking her?’ I didn’t want to beat around the bushes with Ferris. Things were pretty simple when it came to physical needs.

And he seemed to have understood that. ‘Yes. She was here last night.’ His words were too calculated, even cold I might have said.

‘Are you in love with her?’ For some reason, I had to ask. I’ve hurt Ferris enough and I wasn’t going to do something to fuck things up between us again, no matter how much I might have wanted what Bea hid beneath her clothes.

‘No, just looking for ways to pass the time. Yet, I am a little concerned that I might have taken things a little too far with her the other day.’ His answers gave me relief, even if I would have never admitted it... and even if I had a feeling he wasn’t being completely honest.

‘I’m sure she can handle it,’ I didn’t want to find out more, especially since I felt something within me heating up. It must’ve been from the wound...

I just dropped things, unwilling to let our conversation drift off any further in that direction. I wasn’t much of a talker when it came to whatever feelings he might have had, and in a way, I was dreading that I could have accidentally opened Pandora’s Box.

I stayed with Ferris for another half an hour. I wasn’t in my best condition and I needed to catch up with some more rest. He understood my reason for leaving. Besides we were taking things slowly, especially since he seemed to have reached a whole new level of introversion.

I wished I could say that I could sleep like a baby from the second my head hit the pillow ‘till the morning.

I didn’t.

I kept turning restlessly on all sides, like a fucking grilled burger. Only the flames were burning me from the inside out.

Despite whatever lie I was trying to convince myself of, I wasn’t quite done with Bea. And from what I got the other day, she still needed something from me. The opportunity was presenting itself once again, and my mind couldn’t let another chance to have her as mine slip away.

I just needed her body. I was certain it was that easy.

And it was the reason for which the very next day, I sent out a simple text.

Tonight. My place.

Chapter 34

Bea couldn’t refuse my invitation. The same way she wouldn’t be able to resist my proposal.

My wound was giving me way more trouble than I had anticipated. In fact, so much trouble that I found it difficult to even close my shirt. I had to support myself on the comforter so I won’t collapse from the pain I caused myself with my attempt at getting dressed. And it seemed that same anguish was making me careless.

‘Brax, what happened?’ Bea managed to somehow sneak into my room, pissing the hell out of me.

‘Nothing, I’m fine,’ I snarled, still confused about how the fuck it was that I did not see her coming in. Any other person and there was every chance that I would be dead. And maybe I would have preferredany other person.At least, I would have been spared the Twenty Questions Bea wanted to play with me.

What happened?
