Page 150 of The Book of Kings

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Who did this?

Where is the wound?

And the list could go on for fuckin-ever.

Except, I wasn’t in the mood for an interrogation. She was the one to blame for my injury. She and my dick, which had decided to do the thinking instead of my brain.

That much talking got me thirsty, and since I remembered leaving a whiskey bottle unattended out on the balcony, I needed to check up on it... just for a glass, or two.

The talk-me-to-death evening wasn’t quite finished, and as soon as I was loaded up with yet another glass of alcohol, another series of questions began. This time, about a very sensitive subject — Ferris.

The subject was as painful as the bullet wound. But somehow hearing his name made me ask an involuntary question. ‘Did he hurt you?’ For so many reasons, I wished that it hadn’t been the question that first popped into my mind the second I heard his name. But things were getting more complicated by the second. In a way, I had a strange sense of protection when it came to Bea — one that I kept struggling to ignore. And on the other hand, no matter how badly I wanted to believe that Ferris was okay, I knew he wasn’t. Something got irremediably fucked up the night that his parents died, and I feared that things would never be the same again.

Her answer came, but with a lingering doubt. ‘No. But he... He has someissues.’

‘Issues!? I’m pretty sure the doctors gave him a diagnosis for hisissues,’ I uttered, knowing exactly what issues she was talking about. He was a fucking time bomb, ready to end himself along with the rest of the world around him.

‘Doctors?’ Bea all but stuttered. She didn’t seem to have any idea what I was talking about, and to be honest, if she was to have a chance to get to Ferris, she needed to know what exactly she was up against. I couldn’t let her go to him blindly.

It was time for me to do some more talking. Just my luck...

I was never good with words, therefore I never knew what Ferris needed to hear and the fact that Bea managed to get him out of the house was giving me hope that she could at least ease some of his pain. That was the sole reason why I told her everything I considered she needed to know. From the way my father was involved in the tragedy that struck Ferris’s family to the time I had to commit him to a private institution for his own good… and I might have let something slip about how I still blamed myself for what had happened.

The Percocet-whiskey combo probably made meopen up.Butenough was enough and our heart-to-heart conversation was quickly transforming into a body-to-body one.

Despite my self-imposed decision of limiting my one-on-one interactions with Bea to just that one night I had with her, there was something deep within me asking for more. Like the time we had wasn’t enough.

The problem was I couldn’t really decide what would ever be enough. And her next question was reopening just that door. ‘Will you join us?’

‘Us!? I get that you’ve already spoken with Cole and Ferris. Did they both agree!?’

‘Yes,’ she barely breathed, letting me know things were much more complicated than that.

‘For what price? What did they want in return?’ I wasn’t sure why I was even asking because I was convinced I knew the answer. I understood them well enough to let my imagination fill in the gaps. And since she wasn’t saying a word, I decided to speak in her place. ‘Let me guess. They wanted to fuck you.’

I could see her flustering the second I closed my mouth.

‘They wanted toextendtheir deals.’ She was trying to make things sound more diplomatic.

Bea should have known better that diplomacy wasn’t in my nature. ‘Relax, you don’t need to use fancy terms with me. I already know Ferris fucked you two nights ago. Don’t know about Cole yet, but I’m sure I’ll catch up by tomorrow.’

I wasn’t sure if what I was saying was even bothering me in any way. I got to have her first and that was all that mattered to me. Sharing her with both Ferris and Cole was just another bonus. Bea was tying us back together and no matter how she was doing it, she was the rope binding our friendship back together.

How could I ever be mad at that?

Still, she seemed surprised at the level I managed to communicate with Ferris. ‘You... You know!? He told you?’

If I was to be honest, I was surprised by Ferris’s confession myself, but I wasn’t going to tell her that.

‘I’ve talked to Ferris. He tells me everything. He was concerned he went a little too far.’

I definitely managed to piss her off. ‘I’m not going to talk with you about what I do in Ferris’s bedroom.’

‘Then maybe you could show me,’ I curved the corners of my lips into a sinful smile, trying to get to the part I was directly interested in.

‘I made the deals because I had to. I am not a tramp to be passed from oneman to anotherout of boredom.’

‘Then what are you doing here?’ I muttered in response to her hostility. I was just trying to play around and she ended up showing off her fangs.
