Page 151 of The Book of Kings

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‘I told you before. I want to talk about your help.’ It seemed there was something that she wanted from me after all.

Maybe it was time for a little negotiation. ‘And I told you before. I don’t have a death wish.’

It was a lesson I’d learned a long time ago in the street. Make them think that you’re not interested in what they’re offering so you could ask for a larger payment.

That applied perfectly to what I had going on with Bea.

I pretended I had a way out of the madness the rebellions were creating, when in reality, I knew, none of us had a way out.

Of course, I could always have left. I had enough money put aside to assure me of a nice life in any city I would desire. But I would be a no one there. While in Echo City I was feared and respected, and I had no intention to let that go without a fight... or to give up on Bea without obtaining anotherdeal. ‘Because you gave Ferris and Cole new advantages. I consider it’s only fair that I would also benefit fromthose.’

‘You want to sleep with me again!?’ she quivered, when in reality, I had no idea why she seemed surprised by the thought. I had already been implying it for a good while.

But I didn’t want to just sleep with her. ‘Sleep with you... Mmmm. You could call it that. The truth is, I’m going to fuckingbreakyou. You know that’s what’s going to happen if you agree to this... And if you want me to agree to the rest. To help you with your plan.’ I needed to dismantle whatever fucked up image my mind might have conceived of her. That was exactly why I wanted to consider her no different than any other woman that ever set foot in one of my clubs.

‘So what do you say? Do I get the same benefits as they do if I agree to go through with this?’ I needed to push the limit until I got what I wanted. It had always worked that way, and I wasn’t going to make an exception with Bea.

Her answer confirmed it. ‘Yes,’ thefading letters that were guaranteeing me another deal. An unlimited one this time, far more dangerous than the first.

Yet, I chose to dismiss all warning signs signaling me to stop. We were becoming an off-the-rails train, ready for disaster. ‘I’m starting to think that you missed me,’ I was just teasing her. I knew that she was probably hating me by now, and I didn’t want things any other way.

‘You always make assumptions about me,’ she seemed upset. But then again, I always seemed to do something that pisses her off.

Besides, my assumptions were ‘Most of them real,’ I said, rearranging myself on the bed to search for a position in which I wouldn’t feel that I would puke my stomach up the very next second. The fucking pain was so thick throughout my veins that I didn’t even hear what she had to say next. Not that it even mattered. I had more urgent matters I needed to take care of and I began to believe that her puss could take some of my pain away.

Was I hallucinating or what?

At least, I had a plan for the evening. One that I needed to start working on immediately. ‘Come here.’

Caught under my spell, she raised herself from her seat, rearranging the sexy black dress she was wearing.

I didn’t see the point of her arranging it since I was going to wrinkle it in no time. But have it her way.

For some reason, she was stalling. Like she didn’t know by then that disobeying one of my commands was never an option…

‘I think you know what I want by now,’ I snarled, seeing her stopping next to the bed.

‘You’re not healed,’ her voice trembled, afraid that she would hurt me. Or maybe she was just still trying to avoid the unavoidable. I couldn’t tell for sure, and I didn’t even care which one of the two it was.

‘I was shot in my ribcage, not in my dick.’ Maybe that way I would make myself clear.

‘Let me get this straight, you want me to sleep with you in this condition!?’

She was starting to piss me off with all that worrying about me. ‘Are you coming, or do I have to go back on my word?’

That got her moving. Not completely, since she only took a seat on my lap much closer to my knees than to my dick.

I quickly changed that, signaling her to climb higher while my hand sneaked beneath her dress to guide her to the exact hardened length that was waiting for her.

Her gestures were still sheepish. Like she was too afraid to hurt me, when in reality I would have chosen any kind of pain just to have another taste of her. And I did just that, pushing her dress over her shoulder to play one of my favorite games — make her skin crawl.

I craved the reactions of her body. The hardened nipples. The goosebumped skin. And most of all, the almost nonexistent breaths, as she was still fighting the reaction I had upon her.

I couldn’t be satisfied with just the silkiness of her breasts. I needed to watch her enjoying me with every second in which my hand was moving against her nipples, dragging hushed moans out of her lips without her even knowing she was making the sounds.

Somehow, our eyes stumbled upon one another, making my fingers instinctively lock on her quivering tips, searching for that beautiful pain to flood the green fields resting in her orbs.

And there it was, glittering only for my satisfaction, calling my lips to roam over the flesh I just tormented. One of my hands clasped on her ass while the other brought her breasts even closer to my mouth so I could spoil my tongue with the sweet scent of her delicate skin.
