Page 183 of The Book of Kings

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I was just about to follow them when Ferris’s voice echoed from a few meters away. ‘Is Bea ok?’

‘Bea is okay...’ My lips barely moved to answer as what I was about to say next seemed unreal, ‘but Cole... Cole’s been shot. He doesn’t have a pulse.’

The pain was building up in the pit of my stomach so strongly that I was beginning to think I couldn’t take another step.

But Bea needed me. And Cole needed me not to give up on him.

My feet could barely carry me back inside to face what was happening. I’ve always considered myself strong, but I could never deal with the loss of a loved one.

Suddenly, I noticed Ferris running in front of me to get to Bea while the doctors were trying to perform a miracle CPR on Cole. I knew the results even before I got to him. The look on the doctor’s faces was enough to tell me all I dreaded to find out as the defibrillator was pumping the muscles of his chest with no use.

‘We lost him,’ I could hear a male voice confirming the inevitable, instantly followed by Bea’s cries of pain.

‘Do something,’ she whined towards me in a wake-up call that was igniting every cell within my body. I had frozen at the worst moment in my life and it was about time to get back to fucking reality.

‘Again,’ I roared at the doctors to put the defibrillator back on him.

‘There’s no use,’ one of the nurses spoke in fear, recognizing who I was.

‘I fucking decide who dies or not. I said again,’ I cocked my gun in the back of the doctor’s skull with such wrath that not even God could keep him from obeying my command.

The paddles made Cole’s chest jump one more time while theI told you solooks imprinted on the doctors’ faces were making me want to put a bullet in each one of their brains.

Nothing had happened. No sign of life.

‘Again,’ I insisted determined to do it until that fucking machine would run out of power.

No result...

No matter how independent or stubborn Cole might have been, he was still my responsibility. He was lying on the floor because of me. I was the one that had to protect them and I failed.

‘Again or I’ll discharge those paddles on your head,’ I ordered, seeing the reluctance in the doctor’s eyes.

The paddles pressed into his chest one more time.

‘Clear,’ a nurse called out, discharging the electrical volts and then checking the veins of his neck. ‘I think we have a faint pulse...’
