Page 45 of The Royal Contract

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Jai smiled broadly at Sanjana before he wrapped an arm around her. “Sanjana, this is Disha Bijli. She is visiting from London.”

The woman smiled politely and shook hands with Sanjana. “It is so good to meet you. I was wondering if I could ask you for a favor.” The woman spoke with a crisp British accent.

Sanjana nodded. “Sure. How can I help?” If she could chat with this woman for the rest of the evening, she need not figure out how to sleep with her eyes half open.

The woman looked at Jai and back at Sanjana. “Your man here is hot, and he is a fucking royal. It’s been a thing on my list to sleep with one, and this one’s extra yummy too.” She ran her eyes hungrily over Jai before looking at Sanjana and added, “I was hoping to borrow him for the night, but he tells me he doesn’t spend the night without you.”

What the heck was the woman talking about?

Sanjana kept staring at the woman as she continued in that accent of hers. “He not only can’t be without you, and he says I need to ask you for permission for a quickie. You won’t even know it.” Her head started to spin, and her brain was rejecting every scene that flashed in her mind at the situations the woman was describing. “But he wants you too.”

The woman went on, oblivious of Sanjana’s state of mind. “Would you be a sport and agree to a fun three-way, and I don’t need him to fuck me? I just want a taste of him.” She scanned Jai like she was stripping him with her eyes, and that made her want to hurl. “He is such a hottie.”

Sanjana was in a daze, too shocked to react initially and wondered if the woman was pulling a prank on her. The event they were attending was supposed to be purely social but people had been talking business all along. Never in a million years had she expected to be faced with such a situation. Indecent proposals were limited only to movies, or so she thought. She watched in horror as the woman eyed him like he was a delicious dessert and saw the longing in the woman’s eyes for him—her husband.

Sanjana had seen and heard enough, and she didn’t know from where but a deep rage surfaced. “Back off.” She took an intimidating step toward the woman. “He is my husband. He is off-limits, and only I get to sleep with him.” She could not believe the words that came out of her mouth. Her voice even sounded different. “He is mine.”

The woman was unfazed. She only rolled her eyes, ignoring everything Sanjana said. “Don’t be a prude. I’ll make it worth your time. I could suck you off too… you’re pretty hot yourself.” The woman was not willing to back down, and Sanjana could not believe her ears.

As if Jai realized Sanjana was about to attack the woman, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. “Let’s go, baby.” His voice was husky, and something about the way he said it made her core twitch.

She was in a fog, even as he led her out of the large space where the crazy party was happening and walked her to the car in the underground parking. Her breathing was coming fast even as she clenched her jaw.

Sanjana was livid and didn’t know why—the way the woman expressed her intent or the fact that he brought her to get permission. She tried to suppress her anger as they silently rode to the penthouse. Even though no words were exchanged, something was brewing in the air. Tension was building up that threatened to engulf them.

A dangerous yet exciting urge started to erupt from within, and she realized the anger had transformed into something she had never felt before. The woman’s words set off a new want, and it took her a moment to comprehend that she was enveloped with lust.

Her nerves were high-strung as they made their way into the quiet penthouse. Just like the other time they visited, there was no one around, and as she went up the stairs slowly, every word she said resonated in her head, and the undying need that had spurted was now an uncontrollable demand from within.

Just the memory of the whole incident was making her angry, but that was further fueling the unbound lust. She wanted him, and as if her mind and body believed every word she said earlier that night, they were suddenly on the same side.

Halfway up the stairs, she turned abruptly and looked into his eyes from the higher step. “Why did you do that?” Her voice shook with outrage, and her eyes flashed with need.

A slow smile formed on his face like he expected that reaction from her. That only set her off even more, and she looked away and rushed up the rest of the stairs even as he called out to her. He was messing with her head and was enjoying it too. Why? That ticked her off, and she stepped into the bedroom about to slam the door shut when he pushed past the door to pull her into his arms.

“Sanjana…” his voice was husky as he whispered her name. “Why are you so upset?”

She froze in his arms, his proximity setting off something deep inside but what was more prominent was her anger. “Yes, I’m upset and not with that woman, but with you.” She tried to wiggle out of his hold, and he only tightened it further, her body plastered to his. “Let me go.”

He held her angry gaze. “I will, once we are done talking.”

She looked away from him. “I don’t want to talk to you.” In reality, she was embarrassed by her own behavior, and the mixed pot of emotions only made it worse for her.

“Why not?” he insisted, pulling her closer to him and slowly running his lips along her cheek as she kept her eyes away from him. The moment she felt the roughness of his stubble on her skin, she stiffened but did not try to move away.

His breath was hot on her skin as his lips descended along her neck, laying a trail of gentle kisses. Every time he moved his lips away only to run them over her skin, she jumped, every touch having an amplified effect on her senses.

“Jai…” she murmured as she opened up her neck for him, an arm going around his neck. Her yearning breasts pressed into his chest as she burned with a combination of anger and want.

“Don’t be mad at me, baby.” Everything he said was scintillating, and she wanted to enjoy every bit of the attention she was getting, but the dull ache between her legs distracted her.

Like her body knew what had to be done, her hips rolled against him in pursuit of some relief. His lips moved further down her neck, tracing the square of her neckline as her body pressed into his further. “Are you still mad at me?” he asked against the column of her neck, sending vibrations down to the apex of her thighs, making things worse.

Her chest heaved, and her breath was coming fast as she longed for something she didn’t recognize or know how to handle. Anger and another dark emotion had morphed into something potent and demanded all of her. The turmoil continued as she relished the butterfly kisses he planted on her skin while she tried to process her sensations.

As if he picked up on that chaos in her head, he slid his hand over her back, squeezing her bottom while his teeth sunk into the soft skin right over her deep neckline. A feral cry escaped her, and the ache between her legs seemed to be satiated.

It was a zap of relief that sizzled through her body, but it was not enough, and as if that was a tease, the longing came back with a throbbing vengeance. She wanted to cry out in frustration, unable to process the overwhelming emotions and the call for something she had no clue about.
