Page 50 of The Royal Contract

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Sanjana let out a sob, followed by a smile. “I think she’ll be okay with that.” She hugged him as he walked her toward the elevator and hit the button for a floor different from the one where they had the rooms reserved. “That’s not where my room—”

He silenced her with his lips, pulling her to him as the elevator moved. She sighed against his mouth, her body melting in his arms. The movement of the elevator and the euphoria of the moment made her feel like she was floating, and her body jerked away when she heard the ding of the elevators with the doors opening slowly.

The elevator doors remained open as he pulled her back to him, brushing his lips to hers as he swept her feet off the floor. “I can’t let Deepika be mad at me for kicking her out of your room. We’ll spend the night here and then head to the engagement ceremony in the morning.” He purposefully walked down the long hallway carrying her like she weighed nothing.

She smiled at the thought of being with him and spending time with him that night, but the incident that happened earlier in the evening still bothered her. “Jai, I’m sorry for what happened. I promise never to do something like that again.”

Jai didn’t say anything immediately, confirming her concerns about the incident that transpired online. She clung to him as he stepped into the dimly lit room. He gently placed her feet on the floor before closing the door behind them. She lowered her eyes, unable to look into his, even in the low light that streamed from one side of the room. “Sanjana, look at me.”

She slowly raised her eyes, guilt twisting her heart painfully. “It all happened…” Her voice was lost again when he pecked her lips with his before stepping back, a wicked grin on his face. Confused and somewhat annoyed by his undeniably delectable interrupting kisses, she narrowed her eyes at him. “I like being kissed by you, but you need to let me explain what happened.”

Jai chuckled. “Explain what? What happened?” He looked at her like nothing had happened. “I’m here to see my wife because I had a feeling she was missing me.”

Heat crept to her cheeks, and a smile formed on her lips. She shook away the thrills and looked into his eyes. “Jai, I saw the posts and articles and read all the comments.”

He shrugged. “What posts?” he asked as if nothing had happened.

She suddenly realized her phone was in the room assigned to her and Deepika. “I need to go get my phone. I will show you what I’m talking about.” She started to move toward the door when he caught her from behind, her back going to his chest. “Jai, what are you doing?”

“Giving my wife her phone.” He pulled out her phone from his pocket and held it in front of her. She snatched it from him, wiggling herself away as he walked to the wall to turn on a few lights. “The paparazzi went ballistic on…” Her voice was lost when she clicked on the link she was sent earlier but did not work now.

Page not found.

Unable to find the post you are looking for.

Everything she had seen and read online, the media calling her names, all of it was gone, wiped clean. She looked up from her phone to find him sitting on one of the couches, looking at her. “They are gone.” She slowly walked toward him and slid next to him, resting her cheek on his chest.

She heard him scoff. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He pulled her closer into his arms.

Sanjana hugged him for a few moments before she pulled back to slowly take her lips to his jawline. “Thank you,” she whispered, knowing he was the one to have taken care of the chaos.

It was then she felt him shudder at her touch, and his eyes lowered to hers as she planted soft yet deliberate kisses. She saw darkness creep into his eyes, causing an electrifying shudder to run down her spine. Her breathing was ragged and she was quivering inside, but she did not move.

Jai ran his arm around her waist, pulling her onto his lap. Surprised by his sudden move, she involuntarily slid her arm around his neck as if to stop herself from falling off the couch.

Awareness heightened when she heard his heavy breathing and looked into his eyes with a puzzled expression. His eyes were dark and unreadable. She sat, unable to move, holding his gaze as she felt the burn on her waist from his grasp. Her heart thumped uncontrollably in her chest, and the heavy breathing was the only sound she could hear as her heartbeat deafened her.

Almost in slow motion, he reached out and touched her cheek with his fingertips before running his fingers through her dark, silky hair. He gently ran his thumb on her now-trembling lower lip as his palm caressed her jawbone. He looked at her for a long moment before leaning forward and gently brushing his lips on hers.

She tightened the hold around his neck and pulled him closer. Everything moved at such a slow pace, the night a stark opposite of the lust and passion they had shared over a week ago.

He held her lips hostage in a sweet toe-curling kiss before trailing his lips lower to bring them to her neck. He planted light kisses along the width of her neck while moving slowly. He set fire to her collarbone with his stubble while he drew a cooling track with his tongue along the way.

Her body went into overdrive and arched toward him, her head falling backward, giving him room to move his lips along the length of her neck. She reached out to run her fingers through his hair in response to the thrust she felt from his tongue on her delicate spot. He took in a deep breath against her neck and as he reached her earlobe, he whispered in a very hoarse voice, “I wanted to do that the moment I saw you at the club.”

“Jai!!” she said, her voice barely audible.

Reacting to the enticement in her voice, he gasped and buried his face deeper into her neck, pulling her tightly to him.

As their breathing stabilized, she gently pushed away from him to look at his face. Slowly, she ran her thumb over his stubble and smiled at him, fighting the need to look away. He looked at her, his dark eyes filled with lust as he slowly reached up and brushed her lips with his in a slow and sensual movement.

The hold in his hair tightened as he planted very light kisses along the edge of her mouth. The flurry of kisses set her heart throbbing harder against her rib cage, and all she could think of was to stay in his arms forever.

Gone was the urgency to explore each other’s bodies, replaced with something stronger. “I want to be with you, like this… all night.” It wasn’t a plea but a demand to which he smiled before running his lips over her temples.

After the explosive night a week ago, they settled for something more intimate. He helped her change out of her cocktail dress before laying her on the bed. He pulled the sheets over her just as he slid in next to her, holding her to him, her back deep into his chest and his breath warm on her cheek.

I want this forever!a voice demanded, but all she could do was sigh and accept that she could not. She will take whatever she can get from him for the rest of the time she has him as her husband. It no longer felt like he was her fake husband, not when he knew what she wanted every moment like they were one soul.
