Page 15 of Shattered Oath

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“Lev?” she says as she squints her eyes.

“I brought you breakfast,” I tell her. Aurora’s expression is priceless as she stares between the tray and my face. I imagine she is wondering what is going on with me.

You’ll find out soon enough, sweetheart.

“What’s going on?” she asks as she pushes herself into a sitting position, hair tumbling over her face.

“I brought breakfast,” I tell her. Her eyes become as wide as saucers.

“You did?” she stutters, and I grin before nodding.

“I know what you must be thinking.” I sigh, lacing the sound with what I hope is remorse. “How do I start this…?” I pause. “Aurora, the past few days I’ve realized how unfair I’ve been to you. We started off on the wrong foot. Maybe, we should have discussed our marriage properly.” As I say it, my mind processes my words. She’s watching me cautiously.

“But there is no going back now, so here’s the deal,” I continue. “I want us to start with a clean slate. Get to know each other. You’re my wife; I want to understand you,” I tell her.

She stares at me in silence for a while.

“You want to do that?” she asks tentatively.

“If we’re going to be married, we might as well make it enjoyable,” I reply. “That night of the attack, I realized how close I came to death. And so did you. That put things into perspective about what’s important,” I tell her and watch her facial expression for signs of guilt.

There’s fucking nothing.

She’s a better actress than I’ve given her credit for.

Luckily, I can act, too.

“I’d like us to give it another shot… Start over. Would you do that for me?” I search her eyes, trying to figure out what could be going on in her head, but her expression gives nothing away. Not a single sign of insincerity in her eyes.

“Lev, I don’t know what to say.” She exhales and pushes a strand of hair away from her eyes. “But… I’m sorry for how I behaved at times,” she says, and I can’t help the laughter that escapes my mouth.

“At what times?” I say teasingly. A smile lights her face, sending signals through my body.

Fuck, I almost want this to be real.

“When I was fighting with you. You have a knack for bringing that out in me,” she says. I watch her smile dim slightly. It’s like she’s recalling something important. “I’m in,” she says, meeting my eyes. “I want us to start with a clean slate. You’ve caught me off guard, though,” she says.

“This is new to me too.” I pull my mouth to a smile. “But I’m glad you’re in.”

Her eyes meet mine once again and her expression makes me uneasy. She stares at me with such wide-eyed sincerity that it’s almost impossible not to believe it.

I tear my eyes from hers and turn my attention to the tray.

“Sit up,” I say. “Let’s get you fed.”

She nods eagerly and scoots up, leaning her back against the headboard.

I balance the tray on her lap before settling beside her.

“I didn’t know what you’d prefer for breakfast, so I brought it all – pancakes, egg, bacon… and some hot chocolate.” I watch as she takes everything in.

“You really did this for me?” she asks.

“Why wouldn’t I?” I lie. Bratva boss prepping food in the kitchen? My men would die laughing. “You deserve the best,Solnishko.” Her face is lit like it’s been touched by the sun.

“Thank you, Lev. This means a lot to me.” She turns shining eyes to me.

“Don’t be too hasty. You might want to taste it before making a judgment,” I keep up the pretense, and she starts laughing.
