Page 16 of Shattered Oath

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She forks a slice of pancake in her mouth and the corner of her lip curls up.

“Mmmm…I’m surprised you’re not running your own cooking show yet, Mr. Bratva Boss,” she giggles.

She moans around the food as she continues to eat, sending electric signals to my dick.

Fucking temptress.

“Oh God, this is so good. Damn, you’re one hell of a sexy chef,” she teases. “What other secrets are you hiding, Mr. Bratva Boss?” She narrows her eyes in suspicion.

Fuck, she’s good.

“Aren’t you going to have some?” she asks, looking up at me. I realize I’ve been staring.

“I’ve already eaten,” I tell her.

“Suit yourself.” She winks as she keeps eating and chattering.

For long minutes, the whole thing seems so… normal. So domestic. It’s like dipping my toes into an alternate universe that will never be my own. A tiny taste of what life could be like.

I grit my teeth, remembering the men I lost because of her.

“How did you know?” she exclaims as she takes a sip from the mug on her tray. I cock my head. “How did you know I prefer hot chocolate?” She asks.

“Elena,” I tell her.

“For real?” she asks in surprise.

“Sure,” I reply with a shrug.

“Wait a minute, you asked Elena about me?” Her eyes are wide again. I refrain from telling her that I found out about her love for hot chocolate when I interrogated Elena about the night of the attack.

It was part of what had given her away.

Aurora hadn’t eaten that night. Elena had taken her a snack and some hot chocolate but she’d left it untouched. Of course she fucking chose to skip dinner. She knew what it contained. I just don’t understand why she asked me to stay in her room after we had sex. If it wasn’t for her, I would have gone down to the kitchen to have some of the food. But whatever her reason was, she needed me awake.

Something doesn’t add up about her gameplan, but I know I’m close to figuring out what it is.

“Are you okay?” I hear Aurora ask. “You seem distracted.” I snap out of my thoughts, surprised she can read me despite my blank expression.

“Just work,” I say with a dismissive gesture. She rests her hand on my arm.

“You work too hard.” Her tone is gentle. As if she actually cares.

“Occupational hazard.” I give a tight smile.

“I need to ask you something,” she says in a rush, fidgeting with her fork. This gets my attention. “Will you put work aside while we’re here?” She asks hesitantly.

She wants me to set aside my responsibilities for her?

I narrow my eyes.

“It’s just… You’ve been through a lot these past few days. You should relax.” Her hand is still on my arm. I want to shake it off to get rid of the effect she’s having on me.

“You’re right,” I tell her. “I can’t promise to ignore my duties, but I can keep them to a minimum.” Her eyebrows shoot up.

“Really? You agree just like that? What’s the catch, Lev?”

My heart beats faster as she says my name, but I suppress the warm feeling building in my chest.
