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“What about how his hands feel?”

“Cruel and painful. He digs in his fingers so hard that it hurts.”

At this Lucinda felt McCrae’s hand tighten in her palm, the tension in his body transmitted through the touch of their hands.

“Does the shape of his hand feel out of the ordinary? Are there any bumps or scars?”

“I don’t know how a man’s hands should feel. No man has ever touched my body before that day.”

“What happens next,” Master Dee gently nudged, and Rosalind resumed her tale without further interruption until she came to when the man hummed to himself.

“How does the tune go? Can you sing it for us Rosalind?” Dee prompted.

Her brow crinkled, she gazed into the crystal, and then the air was filled with the incongruously sweet sound of her humming a light and merry tune. McCrae’s hand gripped her tightly again, and he went to get to his feet, but Lucinda succeeded in anchoring him to the chair as Rosalind continued.

“Then he put on his gloves and left me tied to the chair. I heard the click as he locked the door behind him. It was terrible to be alone, naked and shivering in the dark. I hated that blindfold as much as anything, so I put my head between my knees and was able to loosen it enough to see. I almost wish I had left it on, for if I did, I would not have seen the look on poor Robbie’s face when he found me.”

The effect of the brew was wearing off. Lucinda’s body felt unnaturally heavy, too heavy to contemplate rising from the chair, while Rosalind’s whole body took to trembling.

“What is wrong? What is happening to my sister?” Robbie’s cry was lashed with anguish.

“It will settle. It is the compounds wearing off. As I explained, the effect is a little variable.” Dee wrapped Rosalind in a blanket and made her a brew of peppermint tea. “This will warm her and stop the trembling. It is nearly time for you all to go. I hope my services have been of some benefit.”

A knock soon came at the door as Browning returned to fetch them. Lucinda’s body was still sluggish and unwilling to move so to her dismay she needed McCrae to help her up from the chair. It was not until they were at the bottom of the second set of narrow stairs that she noticed she was still holding his hand. He only let go to embrace Rosalind.

“My dear Rosie, I hope that was not too awful for you.”

“Dearest Robbie, it was not so terrible. In a strange way I feel a bit better, freer than I was before. I must go. Uncle is waiting. He said to tell you to come and see him in his chambers tonight.” Kissing them both on the cheek she scurried after Browning, quickly turning around before she slipped through the door. McRae’s hand was entwined with her fingers again. “You two suit each other well,” she said glancing down at their joined hands. “I am glad you are courting. I live in the hope that something good may come of all this.”

Once the door clicked shut Lucinda tugged him by the hand and dragged him behind the heavy curtain that concealed the secret door.

“Surely you do not wish to go back up there?” he said. “Once was enough for me.”

“No. I do not.”

“What, pray tell, is your plan? A little progression of our courtship?”

“Robert McCrae,” she said sharply. “You have a remarkable talent for leaping to the wrong conclusion. You recognized that tune, didn’t you?”

A muscle on the side of his jaw twitched and he avoided her eyes. “I am not sure,” he said evasively.

In frustration she pushed hard with her hands on his chest sending him crashing against the wall. Catching her by the wrists he pulled her toward him. One of his legs gave way causing him to fall sideways pulling her down with him until they ended up with him on his back, her lying on top, her wrists pinioned to his chest. His grip was far stronger than she had reckoned on.

“What did you do that for?” he said.

“I did not think I pushed that hard. For a fencer your balance needs some work. Something in that brew has strangely affected me. Will you kindly let me go?”

“It will cost you,” he said. “You owe me an apology.”

“You owe me an explanation. I owe you nothing.”

“I am prepared to forgo the apology but only if you pay me with a kiss.”

“That is outrageous!” She tried to wriggle from his grasp.

“Those are my terms. Also no tricks. No biting or driving your knee up into my manhood.” Just to be sure she could not perform that most painful of maneuvers he wrapped his legs around her thighs, locking their bodies together like wrestlers in a grapple hold. They were so closely bound together their noses touched, their breath intermingled, and his manhood pressed hard against her pubic bone. Pinioned and annoyed at her helplessness, she squirmed to break free, which only served to make her hot and breathless and to bring a glazed look to his face.

“Keep doing that and I will want more than a kiss.” The look he directed toward her made her whole body thrum. “That apology, Miss Evans?”
