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The wolf suddenly moved, padding lightly towards me on silent paws. As it came closer, I took in the grey smudge across its nose and the overwhelming amber glow of its eyes, and I released a trembling breath as I nodded.

“I got your message. You’re welcome.”

The wolf chuffed again as it came to stop before me, its eyes locked on mine and speaking volumes in a way that I knew I would never be able to explain. Reaching out, I dug my fingers into the thick fur of its shoulder, feeling the rumble of a contented growl in answer.

After a long moment, I sucked in a deep breath and dropped my hand, stepping back. “No offense or anything, but I’m hoping this is goodbye. I wouldn’t mind never seeing you again.”

The wolf stared at me as my pulse thumped in my ears, abruptly turning away without warning and loping back into the forest. I swallowed hard, releasing a long breath as a loud crash sounded from inside the cabin, followed by a string of inventive curses.

I smiled to myself as I continued to stare into the darkness, the stars high above twinkling down in an otherwise inky sky. The scents of the forest filled my nose as a light breeze picked up a few strands of my hair and made them dance around my face in an intricate ballet, my mate bonds thrumming with a variety of emotions as I just stood and soaked in the world around me.

We were home; finally, really, home. And for the first time in my life, I didn’t feel trapped or caged.

I felt free.

Chapter Thirty-Four


Two years later

Steamcloudedaroundmeas I shut off the water and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a large fluffy towel from the wooden rack beside the door. Wrapping another around my wet hair, I quickly dried off before grabbing my toothbrush as a soft knock sounded.

Zeke’s dark head poked in as the door cracked open, a strangely excited look on his face as his eyes met mine in the misted mirror.

“Breakfast is ready, baby girl,” he announced, making me frown a little in confusion.

“Um, ok, thanks?” I replied, not understanding why he was making a big deal out of a normal breakfast.

He reached in and slapped my towel-covered ass. “Hurry up then, the bacon is waiting.”

I breathed a mystified laugh and shook my head as he disappeared again. Finishing up in the bathroom, I dragged a quick brush through my damp curls and threw on some casual clothes before heading down to the kitchen to see what was going on.

The smell of bacon and toasted bread hit my nose as I rounded the bottom of the stairs and made my way through the plush living area. I hadn’t changed much at all since we had fully settled here, but I had added a dozen large cushions and some heavy blankets to the sofas, along with a huge bookcase near the fireplace that Zeke and I were steadily filling up.

I found the three of them sitting around the large dining table, their murmured conversation snapping to a halt as they spotted me and grinned.

“Morning sweetheart!” Noah called, jumping up to pull out a chair for me. “How are you feeling?”

I gave him a suspicious look before sitting down and grabbing a plate. “I’m fine. Are you ok?”

He swooped down to kiss my cheek before bouncing back to his own seat like an excited puppy. “I’m awesome.”

I bit my lip to keep from laughing as my eyes moved to the others. They were both staring at me with the same keen intensity as Noah, and I narrowed my eyes at them all.

“What’s going on?”

“Bacon?” Zeke asked as Liam took a sip of his tea without taking his eyes from me.

I glared at the plate he was offering me. “Firstly, that is a stupid question. Secondly, don’t think you can distract me with delicious breakfast meat. Why are you all being weird?”

Noah snickered. “I can distract you with other delicious meat if you want.”

I shot him a look that told him exactly what I thought of his filthy comment, but he just winked unrepentantly back at me.

I startled at the sound of a metallic clang, my eyes snapping to Liam as he placed a small tin onto the table and pushed it towards me. He gave me a meaningful look as he folded his arms and leaned back in his chair.

“We’ve been talking, and we’ve agreed. It’s time.”
