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I swung my confused gaze around the three of them, sensing their anticipation and excitement through our bonds. There was also a thread of anxiety woven into it all though, and I realised they were waiting for my reaction.

“Time for what?” I asked simply.

Liam nodded to the tin, moving my focus back to it and making my brows spring up in shock. “Wait, is that…?”

My gaze flew back up to Liam’s, who was watching me carefully, but it was Noah who spoke.

“It’s the fertility tea that we hid out of the way back when we first mated.”

I began to shake my head, anger bleeding into my surprise. “Hang on just a second, you can’t make big decisions like this without consulting me!”

Liam scowled at me and opened his mouth, but Zeke interrupted whatever he was about to say, earning himself an unimpressed glare from his brother.

“Cordy, we’re not trying to blindside you with this. We’re opening up a conversation, that’s all.” He frowned at Liam. “In fact, we agreed that we wouldaskyou.”

Liam grunted. “No, what weagreedwas that we would have kids after dealing with your mother. Well, we did that. We’ve even taken the time to make sure the realm is settled. The council is working, the people are happier, there is peace between the pack and the witches. There’s no reason to wait any longer.”

“And if I’m not ready?” I asked incredulously, not quite able to believe his attitude.

He blinked at me as if he hadn’t considered that possibility, like he hadn’t even considered me at all, and I silently rose from my seat and walked away. Noah called my name as I heard the meaty smack of a fist hitting flesh, but I didn’t hesitate as I pushed out of the back door and left them to it.

I didn’t go far. Anger and hurt had hot tears falling down my cheeks as I walked around the porch to the wide, wooden swing seat, tucking my feet up and letting it rock in the light breeze.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want children. I did. Especially now that I actually felt the world was safe.

On top of that, my relationship with the guys had gone from strength to strength in the last couple of years. Each of them complimented me in different ways, and the dynamic between the four of us just seemed to work. Noah gave me fun and mischief, infecting me with his sunshine attitude as easily as breathing. Liam was the same as ever, his alpha asshole attitude reigning supreme apart from those moments of sweetness that he only let me see. And Zeke was the balance. Solid, dependable, always watching and protecting us all; he was the calm in the storm.

I loved all three of them with everything I had, but that didn’t mean that it was always sunshine and roses.

I heard footsteps on the wooden floorboards of the porch a few seconds before Liam appeared, my brows flying up in surprise.

“They let you come find me?” I asked, my voice a little hoarse.

His mouth tightened as he watched me wipe the lingering tears from my cheeks, regret flashing down our bond as he gestured to the space beside me.

“Can I sit?”

The fact that he was even asking, rather than just doing it, made me nod in agreement, and he lowered himself into the seat before tugging my feet into his lap.

“I’m sorry.”

I swallowed hard but stayed silent, his gaze fixed on mine as he smoothed his hand along my shin.

“I know I’m a dick, but I wasn’t saying that your feelings don’t matter. They matter more than anything. I was just…”

Our bond told me more than his words did, the anxiety and uncertainty wrapping around the excitement he felt.

“It’s scary, new and something you can’t control,” I supplied, making him release a huff of breath as he nodded.

“It’s exciting, Princess. I saw you with River’s pup yesterday, the way you held him and made him laugh. I saw how fucking incredible you would be as a mother, and it made me want it more than ever. But it’s terrifying too.”

I raised a brow. “So you just sprang it on me like I had no choice?”

He grabbed my hand and began to massage the palm. “As I said, I’m a dick. I’m sorry. I’ve put the tin away again and I’ll leave it alone until you’re ready.”

“What did the others say?” I asked quietly. “Are they ready?”

He winced a little. “Yes, they love the idea, but it doesn’t matter. I should have talked to you first, and we will all wait. Even if that means never.”
