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My throat thickened with emotion again as I felt the sincerity of his words. “And what if I am ready?”

He froze, his hands stilling on mine as he stared at me. “Wait, but you said…”

I shrugged. “I was hurt that you were trying to strongarm me into it without even caring what I wanted, I never actually said that I wasn’t ready.”

He tugged me into his lap and buried his face in my shoulder. “I do care, I care more than anything. We need to give you more time to really think it through.”

I frowned at him. “Liam, for the love of the gods, if you’re trying to tell me what I wantagain, I will not be held responsible for what I do to your balls.”

His broad shoulders began to shake with laughter as he pressed a soft kiss to my collarbone. “That’s my girl.”

I grinned down at him and pressed my mouth to his, letting myself get lost in his taste as he growled and sank his fingers into my hair to pull me closer. Breaking away a few minutes later, I panted as he gave me a knowing smirk.

“Come on then,” I said breathily, nodding towards the house. “It’s time for tea.”

I squirmed in my seat a little as I tried to focus on the meal in front of me and ignore the building heat between my legs.

“You ok there, baby girl?” Zeke asked, and I could hear the smirk in his voice before I even looked up at him.

Spooning another forkful of pasta into his mouth, he sent me a knowing wink as I let out a shuddering breath, my skin prickling with sensation.

“Shut up,” I retorted half-heartedly, not appreciating him teasing me when he knew I was starting to suffer.

“Eat, Princess,” Liam ordered, pointing his fork at me. “You’ll regret it if you don’t.”

I huffed at him, knowing he was right but resenting the fact that he was bossing me around again. Filling my mouth with the creamy pasta bake, I tried to focus on the plate in front of me rather than the humming sensation that had started up in my core.

After drinking the tea mid-morning, we had gotten on with our day as usual, though the guys had watched me like a hawk as they waited for the moment my body signalled that the herbs had done their job. As the hours drifted past, a part of me had begun to wonder if it had worked at all, but as the sun began to sink behind the trees, my skin had started to flush with heat and my body had flooded with awareness.

I reached for my glass of water, gulping it down almost desperately as heat rolled through me in an arrow that seemed to aim straight for my clit. A soft whimper fell from my lips as I squirmed again, my hands trembling a little as I placed the empty glass back down on the tabletop.

“Shit,” Noah muttered as he stared across the table at me, his meal forgotten.

Liam finished the last bite of food on his plate and shook his head. “She’s not there yet. Apparently it’s obvious when its time.”

Letting my head fall against the back of the chair, I groaned as another wave of desire rippled through me, the sensations only getting stronger as I was suddenly hyper-aware of the proximity of my mates.

“You… are not… close enough,” I panted as I whimpered again, my hands tightening into fists as I began to feel completely and desperately empty.

When none of them immediately moved, I released a low growl as my restraint snapped. Shifting my hips to the edge of the seat, I reached down and thrust a hand past the stretchy waistband of my thick leggings and into my underwear.

Low curses reached my ears as I plunged two fingers straight into my soaked centre and swirled them around with a soft moan. Uncaring and unaware of anything other than the onslaught of sensation and my desperate need to find relief, I pumped my hand twice before pulling back to frantically rub my clit until my legs were shaking, crying out as my core pulsed and I came in record time.

I knew immediately that it wasn’t enough. If anything, it made it worse, the muscles of my pussy clenching powerfully around nothing and making me hunch over at the sheer intensity of it.

Wrenching my head up to look at them, I found them staring at me, dumbfounded and gaping. As my eyes slowly moved over their thick arms, wide shoulders and searing hot gazes, a light sheen of sweat broke out over my skin and I swallowed hard.

I watched, enraptured, as Noah reached down to blatantly adjust himself, the movement making a red haze of need descend over me and my seat fly backwards as I leapt for him.

Oblivious to the crash of plates as I shoved them aside, I slid across the table and straight into Noah’s lap as he instinctively pushed his chair back a little to give me the space to straddle him. Wrapping my hands around his neck, I yanked his lips to mine as I immediately began to move my hips, grinding against him as he groaned into my mouth and folded his arms around my back.

“Is that obvious enough?” Zeke asked, his voice thick as he watched my nails leave scratch marks on Noah’s skin.

I yanked my head back from the kiss and panted up to the ceiling, the ache in me reaching a point where it was actually painful. A part of me marvelled at how fast my situation had escalated after hours of nothing, but it was painfully clear to me now that the herbs had done their job.

“Please,” I breathed as a small sob escaped me. “It hurts.”

“Upstairs,” came Liam’s gruff command, but I shook my head vehemently as I gave Noah a pleading look.
