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“I have to go after them,” I urged, testing my weight on the floor and happy to find my legs were steady. “It’s a trap.”

“They’re a day and a half ahead of you, Noah,” Ulf replied steadily, standing again and scooping a mug of tea from the steaming pot.

He walked over to me slowly and pushed it into my hands. “You don’t have the strength to fight them all, you need a better plan than just running after them.”

I huffed but accepted the tea, hating that he was right. “Who went with them?”

“The Alpha, his parents, and every other alpha and trained beta wolf.”

I frowned. “Who was left to protect the village?”

He raised a single brow at me. “No one. They took all of the fighters, much to Liam’s unease.”

I shook my head. “I don’t understand what’s going on, Ulf. It’s like the Alpha’s power doesn’t mean anything anymore.”

I sipped my tea and felt the healing warmth trickling through me. I looked back at Ulf carefully.

“Am I ok? Did that spell do any damage?”

He nodded, his leathery skin creasing further as he smiled. “I believe all is well, never fear. You just need to rest.”

I scoffed and gulped down more tea. “Yeh, I’ve been asleep for long enough. I need to figure out what to do.”

He begun to answer but a sharp tug in my gut made my spine snap straight. Hot tea spilled over my hand, but I hardly registered it as my bond with Cordelia suddenly sprang back to life. It was still stretched painfully thin, but I could finally feel her again.

“She’s back,” I gasped, my palm pressing flat against my stomach.

“What?” Ulf asked. “Noah, you need to…”

“No,” I answered, cutting him off. “I need to go.”

I tugged the shirt off my back before looking him in the eye. “Thank you. I don’t know what the answer is, but I’m sure it’s with her. I’ll be back when I can.”

Ulf’s gaze twinkled as he smiled up at me. “Go boy, follow your heart, it always knows best.”

I grinned at him, the first real smile I’d given anyone in months, before pushing outside and letting my wolf free. He didn’t need direction, taking off into the trees at top speed after our mate.

I didn’t have the answers right now, I had no clue how to save my pack, but I was more than ready to have Cordelia back in my arms.

Chapter Five


IwatchedasBriargulped down the bowl of stew in her hands, dimly noticing that she still managed to look perfectly poised even as her eyes darted warily around the watching shifters.

“B, what did you mean?” I asked, catching her attention again. “She’s killing who?”

She swallowed hard, the usual pale blue of her eyes looking darker in the dancing firelight. “Mother. She’s called for peace talks with the shifters. But it’s a trap.”

My heart squeezed in panic even as I shook my head. “They’re not stupid, Liam would never meet with her.”

She placed her bowl on the ground and leaned closer, grabbing my hand. “C, she’s got someone on the inside. She’s given them spells. It’s all part of the plan.”

“What plan?” I whispered, fear trickling through my veins.

Linc sat next to me on the wide log I had settled on, wrapping his arm around me in silent support. Briar watched the movement with curiosity burning in her eyes before shaking her head.

“I’m not totally sure, but I know that she’s luring the stronger wolves to this meeting to get them out of the way. Then she’ll take control of the others and use them for whatever she’s scheming. But that means your guy, right?”
