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I waited for Linc’s inevitable filthy comment that would enlighten my sister to my poly relationship status. Silence fell though, and when I glanced at him in confusion I found him staring intently at her.

I frowned at him before focusing back on Briar. “Guys. Liam is the Alpha but Noah is just as strong. And Zeke is… well… not important right now. But yeh, there’s no way they’ll be left behind if there’s a meeting.”

Briar blinked at me for a long second. “Oook… I’m not going to ask. My point is, when I saw you in the forest back home, you said you were bonded to the shifter. I had to find you in case it was true.”

“It’s true,” I murmured, my chest tight. “Two of them now. If either dies, so do I.”

Linc’s arm around me tightened, squeezing enough to stop my mind wandering into panicked thoughts. “Breathe, Cor.”

I dragged in a deep breath and shot him a small smile. He gave me a nod of approval as Spencer stepped forwards and looked down at Briar.

“Question. Aren’t you the beloved heir to the throne? How do we knowthisisn’t the trap?”

I stiffened slightly, watching Briar’s spine snap straight at the question. She raised her chin at him defiantly as her eyes sparked.

“I have nothing to say to you, I’m here to speak to my sister,” she snapped, making his eyes narrow.

“Problem talking to a shifter, little witch?” he growled.

She scoffed, waving her hand at him and making the pack tense. “Don’t be ridiculous. I couldn’t care less who you are. All I care about right now is saving Cordelia.”

Spence took a threatening step closer, a low growl rumbling in his chest. “Watch it. You can’t just wander into wolf territory without showing us some respect. I’d be careful you don’t get eaten, little lamb.”

Briar leapt to her feet and met his attitude head on, biting back without a pause.

“Respect is earned, meathead. Was it, or was it not, one ofyourwolves who just dragged an injured woman through the woods and threw her at your feet?”

She opened her cloak and lifted her clothes to show us her torso. I gasped at the wide, yellowing bruises which covered her stomach and ribs, not fresh but obviously painful.

She looked pointedly at Spencer, who stood with a dumbfounded look on his face.

“So unless you have anything actually helpful to contribute, feel free to fuck off.”

I stood too, ducking out of Linc’s hold and brushing down my pants. “Ok, I think we all need to take a breath here. I’m going to take Briar back to my cabin to get cleaned up, Spence, ok?”

I lightly slapped his arm when he just continued to stare at my sister. “Hey, meathead, you hear me?”

His eyes snapped to mine and narrowed, making me chuckle and raise my hands in mock surrender.

“I hear you, Cor,” he answered. “You’re definitely safe with her, right?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes. Come on, I would never put this pack in danger.”

He nodded, scrubbing a hand over his jaw. “I know that. You’re not great at looking out for yourself though.”

He grinned at the look on my face before waving us off, his eyes pointedly staying away from Briar.

“Well he’s an asshole,” Briar muttered as we left the gathered pack behind and she followed me towards my cabin.

I grinned. “He really isn’t. You just seem to have rubbed him up the wrong way.”

She scoffed. “Whatever. Where are we going, C?”

I pointed at the small wooden structure ahead of us. “That’s my cabin. You can shower and change, as well as get some rest.”

I glanced over at her. “Plus I think we need a proper catch up.”

She nodded, guilt flooding her expression. “Yes, we really do, little sister. I think it’s time.”
