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I gave her a concerned look and she dropped back down beside me with a sigh. “I know. I get what you’re saying. But I’m done. No matter what happens, I’m done being her puppet.”

I wrapped my arms around her. “Well then, I guess we had better get some sleep if we’re leaving in the morning.”

She squeezed me back. “Do you wanna talk about what happened with you? Why are you here alone, C?”

I shook my head as I pulled back. “I’ll tell you everything, but not now. You need sleep.”

She nodded, letting it drop, and we climbed into the bed. She was asleep within seconds, the dark circles under her eyes stark in the low light of the bedroom.

I settled in for a long night of staring at the wooden beams of the ceiling, not expecting to sleep with the revelations and worries of the evening running through my mind.

My gut told me Briar was telling the truth, to trust her, and as much as I hated the idea of taking her into danger with me, I was happy she was here. I had no idea what lay ahead, but something told me that we still had a chance to fulfil this prophecy. The Great Wolf God had told us to follow our hearts, and while mine was currently battered and bruised, it was thrumming wildly over the one piece of information that meant more than anything else.

I finally had a way back.

I groaned and squinted at the brightness of the light as I woke.

Taking a few long moments to pull myself into full consciousness, I found myself in an empty bed with sunlight streaming through the window. I licked my dry lips, suddenly aware of the thin sheen of sweat over my skin, and kicked the tangled covers away from my body to haul myself up.

A glimpse at the sky told me it was already mid morning, and the shock at the fact I had actually slept forced me to sit heavily back down on the mattress.

“Goood morning sleepy head!” chirped a voice, and I turned to see Ruby walking into the room, a huge grin on her face.

She wrinkled her nose at the state of me, but handed me a glass of water as she perched on the bed next to me.

“So, all it took for you to sleep was a chat with your sister, huh? Where was she when we needed her?”

I downed the cool liquid with a hum of gratitude before answering.

“She was busy trying to escape from our abusive bitch of a mother, I’m afraid,” I replied evenly, giving her a smile when she stiffened. “Don’t worry about it, where is she?”

She looked a little worried at that, and I tensed. “Ruby, where is my sister?”

“Oh, she’s fine, don’t worry,” she replied, waving a hand at me. “She just insisted on going down to the main clearing to grab some food for you both.”

I jumped to my feet and ran for the bathroom, much to Ruby’s amusement as she followed me.

“Girl, she’ll be fine!”

I scoffed as I stripped off my damp pyjamas and ducked into the shower. “Yeh, sure, it’s not like she’ll argue with the Alpha or anything, or start any fights with anyone who looks at her wrong. She didn’t exactly make the best first impression.”

Ruby hummed. “Ok, yeh, I can see your point. It’s not like they’d hurt her though.”

I nodded in agreement but didn’t slow, rushing to throw on some clothes before dragging a grumbling Ruby out of the cabin.

“I know you’re hungry, Rubes, so don’t moan at me,” I teased, chuckling at the flush on her cheeks as she admitted I was right.

I could hear the shouting before the main fire came into view, and I let out a groan of frustration as we rounded the final cabin and found Briar yelling at a growling Spencer.

“Hey!” I called, jogging up to them. “What’s going on?”

Briar shifted her gaze to mine, opening her mouth to speak, but was cut off as Spencer rounded on me.

“Why the fuck does she think you two are leaving today?” he barked down at me.

I held his gaze and slowly raised a brow, refusing to speak to him while he was being so disrespectful. He narrowed his eyes at me briefly before dragging in a deep breath and taking a small step back, refusing to drop my gaze but giving me some space.

“Are you going to speak to me, or keep shouting at me?” I asked simply, watching Briar’s face fall into a frown.
