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“Look, I don’t know exactly how this is going to work with the three of you and one of me,” I continued, steeling my spine. “But you all loved each other long before I came along, so you need to work it out.”

Spinning on my heel, I headed for the back door and pushed out into the fresh morning air, ignoring their calls and leaving them to it. Pondering my options for a second, I decided that my various chores could wait and I could settle my own curiosity about this stone. Anything that potentially linked this pack to witches, no matter how long ago, was something I wanted to know about.

Something in my chest settled as I stepped back into the trees, a familiar sense of peace falling over me as I walked through the dappled sunlight. I had a vague idea of where this Mage Stone lay after last night, and after an hour of walking in what felt like circles I finally stumbled across the large, mottled-grey structure.

Warm rays of spring sunshine fell on my face as I walked closer and the trees opened up, my eyes widening at the stone edifice before me. The lower section seemed to consist of a single, huge rock, ancient and weathered but sitting solidly beneath a collection of smaller rocks balanced together above. The ledge where Zeke had been sheltering the night before marked the height of the base rock, with its width matching its height and leaving me humbled at how such a massive stone could have been moved here. There was no way this was a natural structure. While the height of it didn’t quite match the canopy around it, there was no other stone or rock formation like it for hundreds of miles.

From the ground where I stood, it was difficult to see the true complexity of the pattern of stones above the base, but it was obvious from the discolouration and weathering on the stone that this formation had stood under countless moons.

Stepping closer, I reached out a hand to brush my fingers along the rough surface, a small scream of fright escaping as a strong hand suddenly wrapped around my wrist and tugged me around.

“Shouldn’t you feel me coming, Princess?” Liam asked with a smirk, pushing me up against the monolith and crowding me with his body. “Or is this old stone too distracting?”

He gritted his teeth as I let my power run over my skin and into him, narrowing my eyes as I dealt him out some prickling pain in response to his cocky attitude.

“Damn I’ve missed you, Princess,” he growled, grinning as he shook off the sensation and pressed me harder into the wall. “Prickles and all.”

“You really are an asshole, you know that right?” I snapped, shoving uselessly at his bare chest. “Get off me.”

A laugh rolled through him as he pulled back just enough to look into my eyes, his deep brown gaze twinkling with amusement.

“I think we’re both fully aware that you could throw me halfway across the forest if you meant that.”

I rolled my eyes at his arrogance, gasping as he wrapped a hand around my throat with a low growl.

“That’s three,” he said with a triumphant smirk, adjusting his grip as he leant in to trace the shell of my ear with his tongue. “You really need to stop rolling those beautiful eyes at me.”

Trying to lean out of his reach, I thumped his chest with my fist even as goosebumps erupted across my skin.

“I’m not playing this game, Liam, I’m still pissed at you.”

The rumble of his laugh vibrated against my skin as he ran his lips down my neck, not even giving me an inch of space to push him away.

“Really?” he murmured, making me shiver. “Then stop me. Because as far as I’m concerned, we haven’t had a proper reunion yet.”

A soft moan escaped my mouth as he paused to suck and bite at my skin, his hands moving to pull my hips closer and grind himself against me.

“Plus it seems like the others haven’t been doing enough to keep you satisfied, if your bratty little attitude is anything to go by.”

It took a second for his words to sink in, but my magic happily rose again at my silent demand. Clenching my jaw, I sent a strong jolt of power through him, sending him stumbling back a few steps with a grunt of pained surprise.

“You’re a dick,” I snapped, a teasing grin lifting my lips as he tried to advance again but found himself anchored to the ground.

Strong roots and vines had wound up and around his ankles, creeping up to his knees and holding him fast on my command, only tightening their grip as he tested their strength.

“Princess,” he growled warningly, making my eyes narrow.

I sauntered closer, his eyes hot on me as I stopped just out of reach and smirked at him. “What? You can dish it out but you can’t take it?”

I blinked in surprise as his face broke into a grin and he bellowed a laugh, throwing his head back to the sky high above.

“Fuck, I love you,” he grinned, our bond spilling over with adoration, respect and lust. “I’ve missed that fire in your eyes.”

I huffed at him even as I felt my anger deflate, propping my hands on my hips as he gave me a half-hearted shrug.

“I doubt I’ll ever stop being a dick, Cordelia. But I am yours, through and through, and that will never change.”

The raw honesty and emotion underneath the cocky attitude tugged at my heart, and I couldn’t stop myself from walking forward and winding my arms around his waist, pressing my cheek to his warm skin as he wrapped me in his strong hold.
