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I took a shuddering breath as I did as he said, my eyes blinking uselessly in the darkness as I focused on the sound and feel of my breaths rasping in my throat and filling my lungs. Cold seeped into my skin from the cool, stone floor beneath me, the sound of dripping water from the fountain echoing around us as no one moved or spoke for a long moment. Pressure at my wrists and ankles told me that Liam and Zeke hadn’t released me, but Noah’s weight had completely disappeared the moment I had extinguished the light.

Calm pulsed down all three of my bonds as they wordlessly helped to settle my fears, laced with a heady, inescapable arousal that immediately reawakened the fire in my core.

A loud gasp ripped from my lungs at the first touch on my skin, a hot palm running up my outer thigh and over my hip, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. The touch disappeared as quickly as it came, plunging me back into anticipation as I waited for his next move, my tongue darting out to wet my lips.

I jolted at the feel of a warm mouth on my lower stomach, the hot wetness of his tongue darting out to leave a rapidly cooling trail across my skin. I hissed as he retreated and lightly blew across my flesh, enhancing the chill and making my back arch slightly. He repeated the move across the curve of my breast as his weight moved up and over me, the rough material of his jeans rubbing across my sensitive skin and sending shivers running through me that were much more about sensation than the cold.

“Noah,” I whispered needily, moaning as he covered my mouth with his and cut off my words.

Another gasp tore from me as he abruptly moved away again, his weight lifting away from me and disappearing into the dark. I growled as I instinctively tried to reach for him, struggling against the hands pinning me down but failing to move more than an inch. I felt a shot of amusement from both of them as they silently held me spread wide and totally at Noah’s mercy, frustration rippling through me even as a part of me was grateful for the anchor in the blackness.

I sucked in a breath and bit down hard on my bottom lip as Noah’s tongue returned to my skin, licking a long trail up the inside of my leg. I rocked towards him as far as my position would allow, hissing a breathy curse at him as he stopped at the top of my thigh and pulled back again.

His low chuckle was deep and full of desire as he rounded my hip and pressed hot kisses to my stomach, nipping and sucking his way up before drawing a taut nipple firmly into his mouth, making me release a hoarse cry.

“Fuck, trying to work out what you’re doing to her is killing me,” Liam grated roughly.

I felt Noah’s mouth curve into a grin against my skin as he continued to work his way across my chest, no doubt covering me with marks and bruises as he continued his sweet torture.

“Let me go and I’ll show you,” I bribed with a low laugh as I tried and failed to move again.

“Evil temptress,” he growled in answer as Noah lifted off me once more, a shudder wracking through me at the return of the cold.

I grinned to myself at the struggle in Liam’s voice, but a scream ripped its way out of me a second later as a blazing hot mouth covered my exposed pussy. The contrast of the heat of Noah’s mouth and the chill of the room sent my senses spiralling, my blindness entirely forgotten as my eyes squeezed shut and I panted heavily. Moans and whimpers filled the room as I rocketed towards my release, his tongue lashing against my clit and delving into my core, his large hands gripping my thighs and holding me still as I instinctively tried to writhe against him.

I cried out as he released one trembling thigh and pushed one thick finger into me, now so wet that he slid in without resistance. My breath caught in my throat as he curled it, rubbing at a spot deep inside me that made my legs shake in earnest as he worked my clit in small, firm circles with his tongue.

“Noah,” I groaned, the bubble of sensation inside me building in a way I wasn’t quite used to and letting a note of uncertainty creep into my voice.

“Relax, I’ve got you,” he growled against my skin. “Just let go.”

His finger continued rubbing tight, steady circles deep inside me, leaving me gasping for air as he latched back onto my clit and worked me higher and higher. With a last nip of his teeth, the tension inside me detonated, leaving me screaming my release with a rush of wetness that I barely registered as sensation zinged all over my body.

“Light,” Zeke snapped, his hold on my ankle still unrelenting as he released my wrist. “Light on, now.”

I lazily waved my arm at the ceiling, releasing a small burst of power that replaced my original light and leaving us all blinking at the sudden brightness.

I shuddered as Noah’s tongue continued to lap at me, the overstimulation making me squirm and try to close my legs, but the others held on tight as they took in the scene before them.

I looked down at him as my eyes adjusted, hearing their murmured curses as he grinned up at me with my release shining on his face.

“Um, that was… wet,” I croaked, my face flushing impossibly hotter as he sat back on his heels, his arousal obvious even through his jeans.

“My fault,” he smirked, a picture of smug satisfaction. “I cleaned up the mess, don’t worry.”

I gaped at him, heat flashing through me again as I realised what he meant. Leaning down over me, he chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to my mouth, growling playfully as my hands and feet were released and I curled myself around him.

Pulling back, he tugged me up to sitting as a shiver ran through me. “Come on, sweetheart, sleep time. We’ll shift so you stay warm.”

I looked at him in surprise. “We’re done?”

He winked as he passed my clothes and bag over to me. “Oh, I got exactly what I wanted, don’t worry.”

Another shiver wracked through me, and I decided not to argue as I quickly dressed and pulled on an extra sweater for warmth. The guys achieved the opposite, stripping down and kissing me before shifting into their wolf forms, curling around me in a toasty circle and letting me soak in their natural warmth.

Sleep came quickly after the day of travel and the intensity of Noah’s playtime. Their slow, steady breaths soothed me as they filled the room, and my hatred of this place was temporarily forgotten as I fell into a dreamless slumber, trusting them to keep me safe. As always.

Chapter Twenty-Two
