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Somethingdeepinsidemerelaxed as the sunlight hit my face. Ducking through the threshold behind Cordy, I breathed a deep lungful of fresh, forest air and cracked the last tension out of my neck.

Relief flowed down our mate bond as I looked over at her. Hands on her hips, she stood basking in a patch of light, a soft smile on her face. My heart tugged as I watched her. This bond between us was more than I had ever imagined, the connection between us indescribable. And unbreakable, which made the familiar guilt swirl in my gut.

I still wasn’t sure that I deserved this with her. Not after my weakness hurt so many people that I loved.

She turned to me with a raised brow, silently calling me out like she did every time I began to fall into the guilty thoughts. I gave her a wink as I felt her love for me echo down our connection, bouncing my own back to her as easily as breathing.

“Ok, so the clearing where I found you is…. somewhere that a-way,” Noah said cheerily, wagging a finger eastward.

Cordy laughed softly. “Well that was specific.”

He grabbed her waist and tugged her close, her giggles getting louder as he sank his teeth lightly into her neck.

“There’s a reason that I scent-marked them, sweetheart,” he growled playfully as she pushed him back. “I’ll shift and track it down when we’re closer.”

“Let’s go then,” Liam called, already disappearing into the trees.

“At least he’s never claimed to be patient,” Cordy snarked, pulling Noah to walk beside her.

I took a second to marvel at how easily she split her attention between the three of us. She hadn’t been raised in the pack. Hadn’t ever expected to have one shifter mate, let alone three of us. Yet she was navigating this relationship like a pro. Even calling us out when we overstepped and letting us sort it out between us.

I’d always believed it could work this way. Even when I’d fought against it, I’d known it could work if given the chance. If all the obstacles between us were knocked down, anyway.

And now here we were, the four of us connected on a soul-deep level. All we had to do was enjoy it.

Oh, and stay alive.

“What are you thinking so hard about?”

Her voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I shook off my thoughts and smirked as I looked up at her.

“Just replaying the show you put on for us last night.”

My grin widened as a flush crept up her cheeks. I slipped my hand into hers, enjoying the fact she had dropped back to check on me.

“I know for a fact that you couldn’t see anything either,” she sniffed, faking haughtiness.

I brought our joined hands up to my face and grazed my teeth along her thumb, loving the shiver it sent across her skin.

“Oh, but I’m very good at visualising things, baby girl,” I answered in a low growl. “And the evidence was all over his face. And your thighs. And the fl…”

I hunched over with a grunt as she yanked back her hand and threw an elbow into my gut. Bright red now, she stormed back to Noah’s side, but I could see how hard she was biting her cheek to keep from smiling.

It was only an hour or so before Noah stopped and shifted into his wolf skin. He was the best tracker out of all of us, and I knew he’d have no trouble finding his own markings. We slowed the pace as he disappeared into the forest.

“We should sleep out here tonight,” Cordy suggested as she gathered his clothes together and sank down beside a tall oak.

Liam nodded. “Agreed. You’re too cold in those tunnels.”

I looked around at the decent sized clearing we had naturally settled in and shrugged. “Here is as good as any, I’ll grab some firewood.”

“You want some help?” Cordy asked, but I shook my head at her.

“Nah, you rest for a bit. I’ll be back.”

Heading into the trees, it didn’t take me long to gather an armful of dry kindling. I returned to find my mate had moved from the spot where I’d left her, having climbed into Liam’s lap. I stopped and watched as she kissed him. Their tongues battled as he grunted and she ground down against him, her legs straddling him as he squeezed her ass and pulled her closer.
