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"You've got to be f**king kidding me," Clark muttered upon Jack's arrival. "Lexi, tell me you're kidding," he cried reaching out and grasping her arm.

Jack was there in an instant. "You should let her go," he said enunciating each word clearly. The two met eye-to-eye, Clark only an inch or two taller than Jack, but he released her nonetheless.

Lexi moved between the two guys in an effort to put distance between them. This was the last thing she had wanted to happen when she had agreed to talk to Clark. "Guys just chill out," Lexi said her voice lacking conviction.

"I can't believe I even came by," Clark stated glaring menacingly at Jack.

"Me either," Jack snarled putting his arm protectively around Lexi's shoulders.

"Can you both just back off please? This is all one big misunderstanding," Lexi muttered frantically.

"Oh no I don't think it is. I was standing in this stairwell long enough to hear the majority of ya'll's conversation. I think I understand completely what is going on here," Jack announced.

"Fuck off Jack. What they f**k are you even doing here? Aren't you and Kate still together?" Clark snarled.

"No we're not still together," he cried vehemently pushing Lexi out of the way and shoving Clark against the wall. "You want to know why I'm here?"

"Jack!" Lexi cried rushing back towards him and yanking at his arm.

Clark glared evenly at Jack. "I'm here because we're together. Lexi and I are together."

"Right," Clark drawled rolling his eyes.

"Clark, don't egg him on," Lexi yelled trying to pull at Jack's hard muscles.

"Do you have something to say?" Jack asked pounding his fist into the wall next to Clark's head.

"Jack, just stop!" Lexi yelled again. Suddenly, Clark tilted his head back against the stone wall and laughed. Lexi stared open mouthed at him. "What is so goddamned funny?" she asked her southern accent slipping out with her anger.

Clark shoved Jack's arm away forcing him to take a step backwards. He laughed again deep in his diaphragm and stared between the two of them. "You two are funny. Maybe I was wrong about you Lexi. You two deserve each other," he spat.

The words came out like an insult. He meant that they were two of the same kind of people. That no matter where Jack and Lexi ended up they were destined to hurt someone else. Maybe even continue on a never-ending path of hurting each other.

Clark brushed past the two of them and stumbled down the flight of stairs. Lexi watched him go her heart wrenching with his departure. How had this veered so far off course? She sighed heavily running her fingers through her long locks. She tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to escape the ducts of her eyes.

It wasn't so much what Clark had said, because a part of her had always believed his words. She had known all along that her and Jack were meant to be. They were cut from the same mold which is why they had always worked so well together. He was the other half of her whole.

The situation in its entirety is what had gotten her riled up. She thought that these moments were over in her life. She had been blinded by her happiness with Jack. Sure she thought about the bad times, but she hadn't allowed herself to dwell on them. There was no need. But now, with Clark's recent reappearance into her existence, the memories rushed back into her mind like a flash flood. And this time her mind was raw. It hurt worse than she had remembered.

"Lexi?" Jack asked as she collapsed into his arms. "Are you okay? Don't listen to him. Just don't even think about it. He's such an ass**le. I could kill him for hurting you."

Lexi shook her head. Her body was trembling as he wrapped his arms around her waist lifting her from her feet as he stood straight. She wouldn't let the tears fall. She simply couldn't let the tears fall. As Jack held her closely, her breathing slowed and her trembling eased. His embrace was more comforting than anything else could be. It let the memories be pushed back into the box that encased them in her mind.

After a minute, she spoke, "I'm fine Jack. It's not what he said. It's just what he made me remember."

He set her down on her feet resting his head on her forehead. "I know."

"It's okay," she murmured.

"It's not okay," he uttered wrenching back and looking into her dark brown eyes. "Lex, it's not okay."

Lexi sighed heavily and took a step backwards. "You're right. It's not okay. We've moved on. So…let's just move on," she said yanking the stairwell door open and walking through it without waiting for his response.

She heard Jack's footsteps behind her, but he was smart enough not to come any closer. When she reached her doorway, she strolled inside. A chorus of questions bombarded her upon entry. The cacophony pained her fragile eardrums and she held her hand up to silence them. Surprisingly, the girls stopped at once. Their dramatic gossip before she returned must have made them realize that something had gone on, and with Jack in tow, they didn't care to embarrass themselves.

"Jack is here now," she murmured, "Feel free to ogle him. That's much more normal than the rest of my life," she said walking into the only bedroom and shutting the door.

She heard whispers on the other side as the girls hypothesized what had occurred. Then a knock sounded on the door. "Lex," Jack smooth voice called out to her.

"Just give me a minute," Lexi told him taking a seat on the cold tile floor and hugging her knees to her chest. She just needed a second to let the waves of emotion fall off her shoulders. A few deep healing breaths later, Lexi stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. Beyond the wild look in her eye, she didn't look any different than before. Her make-up hadn't smudged and since she hadn't allowed herself to cry over the pain, she didn't have any mascara streaks. Pleased with her appearance, Lexi plastered a smile on her face and exited the bathroom.

"So are you guys ready to party?" she asked tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

The faces before her did not look as convinced that they were ready to party as she had hoped they would be. Claire and Elizabeth weren't even eyeing Jack as they had promised. Jack's face was ashen with worry for her, but she could see something else in his eyes. She wasn't quite sure what he was feeling at the present moment. And all she wanted to do was get this night over with so they could crawl into bed together. Rachelle was the only person who hopped up out of her chair at Lexi's announcement. She smiled politely meeting Lexi's eye and winked.
