Page 121 of Dirty Politics

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“Chocolate Chip?”


“And you didn’t share one with me?”

Vivi shook her head.

“That’s okay. Maybe next time.”

James came over and took Vivi.

“How’s my little girl today?”

“Good. I had two cookies.”

“Two? Does your mom know about this?”

“She gave them to me!”

“Well, that’s surprising.”

“They were chocolate chip.”

“ favorite. Are there any left over?”


“I’ll have to grab some later. Are you ready for your nap?”


“Naps are fun,” Will said.

“No, not fun.”

“I wish I could take a nap right now.”

“Not Vivi,” she said.

“I’ll see you after your nap,” James said, kissing her on the forehead. A nanny came over and took Vivi to her room.

“It’s time,” Elizabeth said.

Everyone followed James and Elizabeth into the Oval Office. Photographers and reporters waited on one side of the room. A few members of the House and Senate were present including Speaker Miller.

James sat down at his desk and motioned for the Daltons to stand behind him.

“I’m signing this bill today to improve the lives of millions of Americans,” James said. “Everyone deserves access to clean and safe drinking water. We will fight for those who are sick. This bill will provide support and relief to those already impacted. I want to thank the Daltons for coming today. Their daughter, Addy, was diagnosed with cancer at the age of ten. We want to make sure other children don’t suffer as she did. Thank you, Addy, for being here today. You’ve been so brave, and we are so happy that you are healthy.”

Everyone clapped; cameras flashed.

James picked up his pen and signed the bill.

The room erupted in cheers. Will reached over and squeezed Liv’s hand.

“You did it.”
