Page 57 of Dirty Politics

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He continued sucking and plunging his finger into her over and over. She tried to squirm away - the feeling too intense. He gripped her thighs and pulled her into him. With one final plunge of his finger, her whole body shook and trembled; and she sank to the floor of the shower next to him. He kissed her softly on the arms and shoulder while she trembled and panted.

“My whole body is jelly,” she said. “What the fuck did you do to me? There are no bones in my body. I think I came fifteen times.”

He laughed.

“Don’t worry - I can carry you back to bed.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

“Does no one think it’sodd that we pardon a turkey and then immediately go eat another turkey?” Declan whispered.

Brooklyn elbowed him.

“Shh!” Will said. “You promised to behave at least until the press leaves.”

Will stood beside all of his siblings outside the White House watching his oldest brother, The President, pardon Lurkey the Turkey.

Everyone clapped as James finished a short Thanksgiving speech.

“Is everyone hungry?” Elizabeth said. “The food is ready.”

He hadn’t been together with all of his siblings in months. They all lived busy lives, so it was difficult to get all of them together, but Thanksgiving and Christmas were sacred and they never missed them.

He hadn’t told his siblings about Liv.

“No one has to know.” he reminded himself.

Liv wanted to keep it a secret. Will had to respect this, but he wrestled with it - he was ready...ready to go public...ready to start living the life he’d always wanted. He closed his eyes for a moment thinking about the two days they’d spent locked away in that hotel room - ordering room service and devouring each other.


He shook his head - breaking from his thoughts.

“Hello, Will...” Juno said, holding a platter in front of him. “Did you want cornbread stuffing or not?”

“,” he said. He took the platter.
