Page 90 of Dirty Politics

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Chapter Thirty-Four

Will scanned the roomfor Liv. He knew she was coming, but he didn’t see her anywhere. They hadn’t seen each other since the cabin, and he was dying to see her in person. Texts just weren’t cutting it.

“Glad you could make it tonight,” Senator Billings said.

“It’s one of the most important fundraisers,” Will said. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

“How’s that prisoner exchange situation coming along?” Billings asked.

“It’s shaping up,” Will said. “I think we should have it settled this month.”

“Good, good - we can also use some good press,” Billings said. “The people like a story like that.”

“And, the prisoners and their families appreciate it,” Will said.

“Right, right - of course,” Billing said. “Oh, Wilbert, I was just thinking about the cotton situation. Can I have a word?”

Will scanned the room again for Liv. Instead, he spotted Byron Ray coming in his direction.

“Damn it,” Will muttered.

“Sterling,” Byron said, slapping him on the back. “How was the holiday?”

“Nice, thank you,” Will said.

“You spent it at the cabin with your family again?”

“That’s right,” Will said, searching for a reason to cut this conversation short.

“Went to Mexico myself,” Byron said.

“That’s nice,” Will said, his voice flat.

“It’s amazing what you can do there,” Byron said. “If you know what I mean.”

“I really don’t,” Will said, gulping his whiskey.

“Well, just use your imagination,” Byron said. “You should come with me next time.”

When hell freezes over.

“Where’s that hot intern?”

“Not an intern...not my...”

Byron waved his hands in the air. “You told me you weren’t together, but I don’t believe you. If I was that close to her, I’d for sure be fucking her.”

Will squeezed his glass and narrowed his eyes.

“Chill, dude,” Byron said. “If she’s yours, I’ll back off.”

“I think you should back off either way,” Will said. “She works with you.”

“Right,” Byron said. “Right...”

Will let out a sigh and caught sight of Liv entering the room. She was wearing a black evening gown that hugged her curves, her hair swept up; his breath hitched when he saw her.

“Shit,” Byron said, he was enjoying the same view. “She’s really showing it all off tonight. God, she’s got a great rack, and they look real. Man, I could bury myself...Oh, shit, there’s that old rat Miller; she hates me. I gotta hide.”
