Page 7 of Come Back to Me

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“Has anyone representing the city knocked on the door needing entry into your apartment in the last month or so?”

No, again…

“Have you received any threats or had any verbal altercations lately?” I shake a more emphatic no!

“Mia is a great person, very well-liked and, who would want to harm her?” asks Jack.

The detectives exchange a look between them that immediately tells me they have a purpose; this is not a fishing expedition to try and find out if my fight with the dry cleaner is the cause of the break in. They have someone in mind, this is a fact checking expedition.

“Son, you would be surprised how many crazies out there want to hurt perfectly nice people, but Miss West we thought that we should ask you some questions just to rule out any other theories.”ding, ding, ding

Although I risk being rude (my mother would cringe), I manage out a direct tone “What’s new, what do you know since last night, that I don’t know?”

“We think you should be aware that the weapon found in your apartment has been traced back to a suspect.” Thumbing through a beat up note pad, the detective nods when he finds what he’s searching for. “Yes, a man by the name of Carter Williams. We are currently tracking down Mr. Williams and will bring him in for questioning. What we need from you, is to know your history with Mr. Williams.”

My heart instantly drops into my stomach. I stand up, not knowing whether to run, scream, or hide—maybe all three!

I hear Jack and feel him gripping my hands. I see the detectives talking and everyone seems hysterical, but it’s me that’s hysterical… I can’t breathe, I can’t look anywhere for more than a second…this is that moment, the one that I’ve dreaded, where I lose my mind and maybe never get it back…

Carter Williams… of all the names, of all the crazy people, he had to come back. I hate Carter Williams. I hate myself, and I hate that I can’t get him off of me.

I pull my hands from Jack and start running across the hotel lobby. I have zero idea where I’m going, can barely see through the tears falling down my face. I just need to escape, to someplace where I can breathe. I head toward the front lobby doors when BAM, right there, all of two feet from me, is that face! The one I thought I dreamt, the one I know.

“Hey!” I yell. “Who the fuck are you?!” Suddenly it all comes back, and then everything goes black.

“Mia! Mia?! Are you okay? Can you hear me? Someone call an ambulance!” Jack sounds terrified.

“No Jack, no ambulance,” I creak out. “I just need to get my bearings.” The two detectives help me back to the couches and Tim/Tony hovers with water, and probably a liability waiver. I ignore everyone staring and turn my attention back to the detectives. As they sit down, I wave off Tim/Tony and try sitting up as straight as I can.

“Carter Williams attacked me. He is the man who tried to rape me a year and a half ago.” The strength of my own voice surprises me.

I make sure not to react to Jack’s gasping, “Oh, Mia.”

I continue explaining to the detectives, “Carter’s father was an associate at my step-fathers firm, and it happened at a company event.” It was reported at the time, but like most things in my world, it was handled in a hushed manner, with careful discretion and a bunch of money. Everyone assured me it was ‘taken care of’. I was told he was in a psychiatric hospital, which was obviously false.

“Someone clue me into what he is doing here!” Jack reaches for my hand, and for just an instant I shake him off, repulsed by his touch. It’s not him, it’s the act of being touched when I feel compromised, violated, vulnerable.

When I look up again, everyone is looking at me expectantly. I shake my head and try to reset my brain. “Sorry, I think maybe I’m in shock right now.”

“It’s okay, Miss. It’s understandable how this would be upsetting. If you could just answer a few more questions…” I nod.

“Is there any record of the alleged assault?”

I shake my head no, thinkingalleged?“I believe the records were sealed, since it was handled with a mediator.”

“Can you name the parties involved?”

“My stepfather can be more helpful, he handled everything. That’s who you should speak with about this. I have very little memory of the event. I was drugged before being brutalized.” Their obvious discomfort at my words was a reminder that none of this was even remotely okay.

“I’m sorry, but I need to go back to my room and lie down.”

“Of course, of course. One last question, Miss West. How long have you known Cole Parker?”

Wait, what?The sound of that name… holy hell! A barrage of pictures flash through my mind; pictures from magazines, news reports, the Forbes list, and then one sticks—Cole Parker helping me up from the ground after I was mugged. THAT’s the face. Cole Parker ishim.

I look around, trying to find his face again, but to no avail.Why did I pass out when I saw him at the hotel entrance before?When I look back to the detectives, the curiosity in their eyes feels too probing. I have a burning instinct to keep any knowledge of Cole Parker private. Then again, do I have any real knowledge?

“I don’t know him. I was just having a panic attack. I’m sorry I can’t be more help, but I really need to rest my nerves.” I stand with Jack at my side, doing his best knight in shining armor impersonation, and we leave the officers to head upstairs. I know this isn’t the end, but for now I just need a bed, some pain meds, and some dark curtains!
