Page 20 of Howl of Fame

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Mason wrapped his arms around her waist in a punishing grip as he slammed himself into her. If he hadn’t been holding her up, she would have flown right off the bed from the power behind his shove.

Within seconds, Jane flew to the heavens once again. This climax was harder and more intense than the previous ones. She felt like her body had broken apart, leaving each of the pieces floating in the depths of space.

“God, baby. You are amazing.” Mason said as he collapsed beside her and pulled her into his arms.

“Thanks. So are you.”


Mason paced around his living room, wondering how everything had gone to hell in a handbasket so quickly. His date with Jane had been beyond belief. They had clicked instantly. Their chemistry had been off the charts, but then again, what had he really expected with his mate? After all, the fates had created this woman for him. Of course, she would be perfect in every way possible. It shouldn’t have surprised him, but it did.

He had expected to have to work for an engaging conversation. Instead, it came naturally. As did their laughs. Their sense of humor matched perfectly. And the way she smiled up at him … it made his heart pound and his cock throb. It took every bit of willpower he had to keep his hands off her. Somehow, he had found a way, even with his wolf beating against his brain, telling him to claim his mate. Right there at the dinner table, if he had to.

After dinner, they went for a walk and ended up making out in his truck like a couple of horny teenagers. His wolf had pushed even harder. He had to fight to keep his beast at bay.

Their hotter-than-hell make-out session was incredible and left both of them wanting more. Which led them back to her place, where one thing had led to another, and before Mason knew it, she had gotten him naked and had managed to give him the best damn blowjob of his life … nay existence.

Not only did he love the way she sucked his cock, the sex … fucking hell. It had been the best ever. Jane was sexy beyond belief, and once her clothes came off … The things she could do in bed still made his head spin. She wasn’t afraid to tell him what she wanted if he didn’t give it to her fast enough. Fuck, the whole experience made his cock hard all over again, just replaying it in his mind.

He could still taste her on his tongue. The flavor of her liquid candy would live in his mind forever. They had made love for hours on end, and it had been the most spectacular time of his life. Yet, in the end, she had still kicked him out. An act that he found himself still reeling about. Especially when he thought women were all about cuddles and shit after the sex.

Jane had had zero interest in it. The whole experience had felt more like a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am than a romantic night spent making love to his mate.

She’d had her way with him, then tossed his ass out of not only her door but her life by declaring that she had absolutely no desire for a relationship. That what they had wasfun,but that was it.

It was almost as if the roles had somehow been reversed. He was normally the one to fuck it and truck it. Not the other way around. He wasn’t sure he liked that particular part of the night.

He wasn’t mad. He was in disbelief that she had somehow found a way to turn him down after such an amazing night together. The whole thought of it crushed his ego and broke his brain. Up to the point that he had met Jane, he’d never had a woman reject him. Not once.

Of all the women in the world, it had to be his mate who felt this way. For now, he would give her the space she had requested. He wouldn’t ask her out again, but he would let her know that he wasn’t about to give up on her. No fucking way. There wasn’t a single chance of that ever happening.

Being with Jane only once would never be enough. Not because she was his mate. He craved her. And it wasn’t just the sex that had him jonesing for his next fix. It was everything about her. Her laugh, their conversations, the sexy way she smiled at him. And yeah, the sex. He had to have more of that with her. As in every damn day. Twice a day. Hell, he wanted his cock permanently buried in her heat twenty-four seven, three sixty-five.

He padded to his laptop and popped it open, wanting to find a way to let her know how much he had enjoyed their time together and to keep her thinking about him. He’d back off from invading her dreams for a night, maybe two, to make her crave him again. The next time they had sex, he wanted her begging for him. Even then, he might play a little harder to get.

Mason searched all the local florists before deciding on the best way to send his message. When he was done, he closed his laptop and made his way out onto his back deck.

Jane may not want anything to do with Mason, but she sure did love and worry about Sam. He knew there would be hell to pay when she eventually found out about his dual nature, but that was something to worry about later. For now, he would take any foot … or paw … he could to get in her door. It didn’t matter to him or his wolf.

The second his wolf caught the thoughts pressing through his mind, he charged forward, demanding control of their body. Mason didn’t fight it. He allowed his animal to come forward without giving it so much as a second thought.

The second his paws hit the ground, he raced away with one single thought in their shared mind. Getting to their mate.


Jane was still coming down from her post-coital high when she heard a light scratch on her kitchen door, followed by the saddest howl she had ever heard. Jumping up from the couch as quickly as she could, she hobbled to the kitchen.

After the night she’d had with Mason, she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a bit tender in all the right places. She wasn’t about to utter a single complaint. Not when it was a welcome soreness of having been well taken care of and loved.

“I was wondering if you’d come back to me or if you’d found someone better to spend your time with,” she asked as she opened the door. “I’ve been worried about you.” Jane couldn’t help it. She felt a profound connection to the dog.

Sam trotted in like he owned the place. He paused to give her a gentle lick on her hand, then he continued into the living room, hopping right up on the couch and making himself comfortable.

“I’m not sure if you’re here for my company or my couch.” She laughed and climbed back under her blanket. She flicked through the channels, stopping at the History Channel and their late-night reruns ofAncient Aliens.

“I know they all sound crazy, but I love this show. It’s fun, and the theories are as crazy as they come.” She sighed. “Plus, the dude’s hair cracks me up. I just can’t take him seriously when he looks like that.”

As hard as Jane had tried to pay attention to the show, she couldn’t. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Mason. Her body still tingled from his kisses, his licks, his touches, his … everything. She wondered for the thousandth time if forcing him to leave had been the right thing to do. Hell, they could have been snuggled in bed or on the couch.

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