Page 35 of Wild Kiss

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Shaking my head, I strode after her, finding her rifling enviously through the clothes in my closet.

"So much in here that's getting wasted, while you wearthat," she said spitefully, almost drooling over a red dress that was barely longer than a shirt.

"I don’t think you’ll be wearing this, the red’s much too hot for you." She pulled out a hideous brown dress with cutouts all over it.

“I’m sorry—I don’t think I caught your name.” I began to look through the dresses as well…because the brown dress was definitely not happening.

“Carmen,” she responded, like the question annoyed her.

“Carmen. Lovely. Well, I think you’ll probably be able to give me a lot of help with the hair and makeup part of the evening…but I’m going to spend some time finding a dress myself.”

I was proud, because my voice brokered no argument, and she sniffed as she straightened up from where she’d been bent over the rack—like I imagined she had been before—and trounced out of the room.

Why had I gotten out of bed this morning again?

Going through everything, I reluctantly admitted to myself that the red dress was probably the best option, even if it would draw a lot of attention. I decided to go with it anyway, and slipped it on, fidgeting with the hem as I attempted to pull it down further.

This was stupid. I was going to have to talk to Alistair about the clothes. He may like sexy clothing, but I liked my vagina covered. I'm sure there was a halfway point, somewhere between our tastes.

I walked out, and Carmen's eyes flashed with displeasure.

"What did you have in mind for hair and makeup?" I asked, not putting it past her to make me look like a clown with the death glare she was shooting my way.

"Alistair wants an elegant updo. If you’re capable of being elegant," she muttered under her breath, which of course I heard, because it wouldn't have taken wolf hearing to hear it. She pulled out the chair in front of the mirrored makeup area, and I sat down, ignoring her attitude. She grabbed her brush and started ramming it through my hair. I was a little afraid I’d be bald by the end with how hard she was pulling at it.

"A little softer," I murmured, deciding I wasn't going to put up with anymore shit from this girl. My mate was going to be Alpha, and with what he'd said at dinner last night it sounded like he was already assuming most of his father's role, which meant I was going to be the pack Luna. She may have gotten in my mate’s pants many times before, but that didn't mean she could disrespect me.

Carmen begrudgingly softened her movements and began to braid sections of my hair that she then pulled into the updo.

"Has your hair always been this white?" she quipped. "I've always heard that Alistair's into brunettes."

Boy, this was going to be a long afternoon. Of course, Carmen's hair was a dark, rich brown color.

"Yep," I clipped. "As far as I know, I was born with this color."

She continued to make little comments here and there, but for the most part I tuned her out, pretending to read the book I'd left on the counter before grabbing the dress. She finished with my hair, and she must've been scared of what Alistair would say, because it actually looked nice.

And then she started on my makeup.

"You know, I was with Alistair just a few nights before you were found," she said snidely.

The rest of what she'd said had been bad, but this one was going to cost her, because Alistair was suddenly standing in the doorway.

"What the fuck did you just say?" he snarled, and I did my best not to flinch, because the hate and fury in his gaze as he stared her down was terrifying.

She'd had an eye shadow brush in her hand, and she flinched at the sound of his voice, a pathetic whimper ricocheting out of her. She immediately bared her throat to him submissively, a pleading expression on her face.

"I'm sorry, Alpha. I was just jealous. I—"

"Get out of here, you fucking cunt. You're banished, and if I ever see you again, it will be your head."

"Please, no!" she cried as two hulking men appeared in the bathroom and grabbed her by the arms. They dragged her away as she screamed, pleaded, and cried. "I'm sorry,” she screamed. “But you said you loved me. You said it…" Her voice eventually faded, but I felt like I was going to be sick. Not because of the words she’d said, or that I was jealous, but just because of itall.The cruelty on his features, the way she’d just been pushed out of the pack without a second thought. It was all…a lot.

After the door slammed behind them, he rushed over to me, desperation flooding his features.

"I did sleep with her, my moon. But I was just lonely, and I was beginning to think I'd never found you. It was just a mistake…" he pleaded.

"There's nothing to apologize for," I said, just wanting the evening to be over, so I could go to sleep. "While I was imprisoned and probably being tortured, you were fucking your way through the pack because you missed me. Completely understandable.”
