Page 43 of Wild Kiss

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A possessive hunger pulled at my chest, and I dusted the dirt off, shaking it out of my hair. “She’s still in the city. She’s on the east side. I’ll know more once I get closer.”

“Fuck yes.” Daxon threw his shovel aside. “Let’s go get her.”

But I was already moving away from them. “I can’t wait a second longer. She needs me.”

I turned and ran, hearing only their angry curses behind me.

Hey, I’d told them everything I knew. And right then, my priority was saving Rune.

And as I raced towards my love, I decided Daxon and Wilder could go get fucked. I was going to find her first!



Iwas in the garden hiding. It had been two weeks since I'd gotten here, and with every day I could feel Alistair's impatience growing.

Every night I was haunted by dreams I forgot as soon as I woke up.

Things were starting to sour between us. Alistair's expectations for me were lining up with the reality of the aftereffects of what the Queen had done to me.

Since he wasn't getting what he wanted from me, he decided to invite people over constantly, so I was forced to put on fake smiles in exchange for empty conversation with strangers until I felt like I was going to scream.

So here I was, in the gardens, trying to block out what my life had become with the beauty of the flowers.

Whoever Alistair's gardeners were, they were amazing. The gardens took up several acres and I could spend hours wandering in between the rose bushes and the dahlias and all the other flowers I couldn't name, pretending I was somewhere else.

"Rune," Alistair's voice came sharply.

I inwardly groaned and then schooled my features, turning to face my mate. He was dressed in a neatly pressed suit, per usual, and there was a tumbler of dark liquid in his hand, like he'd given up on the glass and decided to go straight to the source.

"Hi," I said, forcing a smile. His features were pinched and he didn't give me a smile back, his gaze just drifted up and down my form.

"You know that’s torture, right?" he asked.

There was an ugliness in his voice that I did not like. My insides tensed as dread pressed down on me.

"What?" I answered, keeping my voice light.

"Having to hold your hot little body against mine every night, smell the arousal in the air, and not be able to even touch your cunt. And it's got me wondering, Rune. I'm not so sure that it's your fated mate that you're dreaming about every night."

My hands were trembling and I slowly crossed my arms in front of my chest to hide that.

"I don't know what you’re talking about, Alistair. As far as I know, I've been trapped in a prison for the past year, and before that I didn't have a boyfriend, so who could I possibly be dreaming about?"

I actually really wanted to know the answer to that question, because although I couldn't remember my dreams, I was very sure that they did not involve Alistair.

He seemed not to hear me, he just glared at me, heat in his gaze, a slight flush to his cheeks. Staring at him closer, I realized that he was drunk. Very drunk, I corrected, as he almost tripped over a small rock in the path.

I took a step backwards, even knowing that would probably incite him. And indeed, his eyes flashed.

"Why don't you want to be with your mate, Rune?" he growled, taking another long sip of his drink.

I held up my hands in front of me, because I could see where this ended, and I wanted nothing to do with it.

"It's not just overnight," I pleaded softly. "I'm sure things will return to where they should be. I'm just… "

"Still being a frigid bitch?" he finished.
