Page 2 of Pretty Savages

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Phoebe sighs, and I hear the distinct sound of her slapping her forehead in frustration. "It's not that bad. We're only having it at my house anyway. You won't even cross paths with anyone. It's still two weeks away, you can think about it and let me know. But Rylee, you know I want you there."

A pang of guilt hits me straight in the chest. "I know, Phoebs. I know… I'll do my best, I promise."

She hums in acknowledgement, before changing the topic. She knows I hate dwelling on stuff or being pushed.

"Anyway, we went to the venue last week. It's amazing. Con and I fell in love with it instantly. I can't believe I'm so lucky to find someone that wants to put up with me for the rest of my life."

I laugh, feeling a bit jealous. I can't even get my family to want to put up with me, let alone real love.

"He's lucky to have you too, Phoebs. You're amazing, and honestly, I can't wait to stand beside you when you say those vows."

"I can't wait either. Though, promise me you won't let me trip down the aisle."

Snorting, I shuffle the phone to my other ear. "I believe that's your dad's job. I'll happily be standing at the end trying not to piss myself with laughter."

"What are friends for," she sighs, before letting out a laugh.

"Exactly," I confirm. "And you're stuck with me forever now."

I wake up the next morning to my phone screeching in my ear. I stayed up way too late watching The Resident. I had to stop watching Grey's because I'm terrible at surprises, so I skipped ahead and looked at Wikipedia to see what happened. I couldn't face McDreamy dying, so I stopped watching, pretending that he and Meredith lived happily ever after.

"Hello?" I mumble into the phone, rubbing my eyes as the sun blinds me through the shades.

"Hi! Is this Rylee?"

I sit up, throwing Chuck a glance as he groans, my movements waking him.

"Yeah, this is she."

I reach for my vape, tucking the blanket under my arms. I'm naked, and it looks like we forgot to turn the heat on last night before falling asleep. I'm not particularly keen on breaking anything with my nipples… unless it's Chuck's face. That's acceptable. But, judging by him trying to pull the blanket over his face, I don't think any part of him is fully awake yet.

"Awesome. It's Tara from Febri's. You came in for an interview recently."

Oh, right. The bar. That instantly wakes me up.

"Oh, hey. Thanks for calling back," I say, trying to sound enthusiastic. I take a discreet drag and wait for her to continue.

"We really love your energy. We were hoping you might be able to come in tomorrow night for a trial."

My heart bounces in excitement, and I give the lump under the blanket a slap. "I'd love that. What time?"

Chuck groans again, throwing back the blanket to look at me through squinted eyes. I grin at him.

"We start getting busy around 8-9pm, so say, 7pm? That way we can get you settled in before the rush."

"Perfect. I'll be there," I answer, watching as Chuck sits up. He pushes his hair back, giving me an interested look.

Tara gives me the remaining details on what to wear and what to bring before we say our goodbyes. I throw the phone and the vape on the bed, and turn to Chuck.

"Guess who's got a job trial?"

He smiles at me, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on my lips. "That's awesome, Ry. I knew you'd get the call. They'd be crazy not to hire you."

I'm suddenly full of energy. It feels like things are finally falling into place, instead of out of control, for once.

"I'm going to cook pancakes for breakfast. You hungry?" I ask, flinging the blanket off as I climb out of bed. I grab a pair of discarded jeans and pull them on as I look around for a shirt.

"Always," he mumbles, reaching for the vape. "Your cooking sounds amazing right now."
