Page 23 of Pretty Savages

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Asher steps back, taking my keys further out of reach. "I just want to talk. That's all. Then you can go right back to getting drunk."

"I wasn't planning to get drunk," I start but he rolls his eyes.

"Of course you weren't. I know you better than you know yourself, Rylee," he quips back.

My teeth grind as I glare at him. "You don't know me at all, Asher. Don't kid yourself. We're nothing. And nothing you say to me will ever fix the mess you left me alone in. You should save it because it's just a waste of time."

For a brief moment, I see something flicker across his face. It looks almost like regret… or hurt, but I've learnt that Asher only cares about himself.

As quickly as it appears, it's gone, his grey eyes flashing at me with indifference.

"Just get in the fucking car, Rylee. We're frying out here."

We end up in a stand-off, little pellets of sweat dripping down my arms. My resolve is breaking, but if listening to him for five minutes means getting away from him sooner, then so be it.

"Fine!" I snap. "But I hope you know you're just wasting your breath and time. You lost my respect the moment you turned your back on me. And I'll never fucking forget it."

Chapter nine

Thebastardhadparkedhis Aston Martin in the corner of the carpark, by the opposite side of the building. It's no wonder I didn't notice it when I walked out, even if the sun had been blinding me.

I had to sadly admit, it was nice being out of the sun. Though, that was the extent of the pleasantries. Asher's air-conditioning might be top-notch, but it was the best thing in the car at the moment, and nothing was going to change my opinion on that.

"So, how's things been?" Asher asks casually, driving us down a stretch of road away from Wheels.

We're going the opposite way to town, the same road I took with the Rebels on our ride that felt like a lifetime ago now.

"Quit with the small talk, and just spit out what you want to say," I grumble, looking out the window.

Asher hums thoughtfully, one hand perched on the steering wheel and the other resting on his thigh. He's in a dark blue summery type shirt, with the sleeves just covering enough of his arms to protect his shoulders from the sun, but his tattooed biceps peaking out for all to see. He's wearing a pair of black, fitted shorts and I can't help but notice there's a new tattoo on his leg. Most of it is obstructed by his shorts, but it's black with the faint hint of color – some blue and purple.

"You haven't changed a bit," he says, and even though the words seem snarky, he talks like it's an endearment. Like we're old friends, catching up.

How fucking wrong he is.

"I've only been gone two months. What did you think would happen? I'd have some enlightening epiphany, or breakdown because of your betrayal?" I snap back quietly.

"I didn't betray you," he murmurs but I scoff. I glance over, uneasy by the fact he's watching me and not the road.

"You didn't do anything at all. That's the problem. You used me for your personal game and enjoyment, and the moment shit got hard, you threw me aside into the flames. You didn't care that I got burnt… all you cared about was saving yourself."

I look away, determined not to let him see the hurt cross my face.

Asher sighs, his fingers twitching on his leg. "You said I could burn you… that you liked the pain," he says, attempting to make a light hearted joke.

I bite down on my tongue, not prepared for this conversation, or the vast emotion that comes with it. "I didn't mean I wanted you to fucking hurt me, Asher. I could play the game, but you turned it into something else. You changed the rules, and when I finally caved in, you pulled away."

"It's not what you think. I was trying to protect us. I wanted to protect you. I just needed time to figure out how."

"Bullshit!" I yell, making him jump slightly. "You wanted to save yourself. You never care about the consequences, unless it effects you. You were ready to throw me under the bus. Stop playing the martyr. It's not very becoming of you."

I let out a yelp as Asher suddenly swerves the car off the road, into a little off-road carpark. It's nothing more than a square gravel, and there's no other cars here but it may as well be a suffocating manhole.

Asher turns off the car, throwing off his seatbelt with such force, the buckle hits the door.


"Fuck this!"
