Page 24 of Pretty Savages

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I open the door, flinging off my own seatbelt and climbing out of the car. I slam the door shut and start heading towards the road, but Asher is fast behind me.

"Rylee, get back in the car."

"No. I'm done with this conversation. Give me back my keys or I'm calling the police," I say, rounding on him.

Asher holds steady, standing in front of me. I hate how much he towers over me, his eyes begging me to calm down. But all it does is fuel the hate I have for him.

"Get back in the fucking car," he demands, pointing towards his shiny piece of metal for emphasis.

I shove him back, earning myself a surprise look from him.

"I am not your fucking lapdog. Do not tell me what to do. You and your brothers, your family… you can all get fucked."

This time Asher can't control the hurt that crosses his face. It hits that small spot inside of me, but I ignore it. I'm not going to be a victim to him again.

"You're our family," he whispers.

I don't miss the key word…our.It's clear that the picture perfect family has indeed still been carrying on with life, just like I suspected. I have no idea if that still includes Zayn and Blake, and frankly, I don't give a flying fuck.

"I'm not your anything, Asher Taylor. The moment I walked out that door, you all stopped being my family. That includes my mother."

His face pulls up in shock but I jab my finger into his chest before he can say anything else.

"Don't you dare judge me. You don't get to pretend like you have a say in the relationship I have with her. It's none of your business. She's made her priorities clear, and I'm not sticking around to be treated like a basket case. I am who I am, and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. I don't fit into the Taylor Family Box, and that's fine by me," I say.

Asher reaches for me, but I'm quick to swat his hand away.

"Rylee," he begs. "I like you, just the way you are. I always have. Just please get in the car so we can talk about this."

"There's nothing to talk about. If I mean anything to you, respect my decision and get out of my way."

Traffic is driving past, and we must look a sight. The two of us, standing face to face, arguing. God, if only they knew…

Asher reaches for me again, but this time I'm not quick enough. He pulls me against him, holding my arms down with his. I struggle against him, suddenly overcome with his familiar smell. It's messing with my senses, causing my brain to have a meltdown.

"I still love you, Rylee."

I freeze, his words cutting into me like little shards of glass. It hurts, and as hard as I try, I can't stop the tears prickling at the corners of my eyes. I blink them back, struggling against him again, and become frustrated as he holds me down. I panic when I feel one slide down my cheek.

"Let me go, Asher!"

I'm surprised when he does, but only with one arm. His free hand comes up to wipe away my tear, and I use the moment to bring my arms between us, creating some distance. I'm finally able to take a step back, my gaze wide as I look at him in disbelief.

"You don't love me, Asher. You love the idea of conquering me. The idea of something forbidden and secretive. I'm just a game to you, but games are only fun when there's more than one player."

Asher frowns, before letting his arms drop to his side. "You're wrong. But I'm not going to be able to convince you obviously."

"No, you won't," I confirm, relieved to be free of his grip. I hug myself protectively, not daring to take my eyes off him in case he tries to grab me again.

He stays silent for a moment, the wind from passing traffic whipping our hair and clothes around us.

Finally, he nods. "I'll take you back to your car."

I stare at him in disbelief. Asher isn't one to back down so easily.

He must register the look on my face, because he reaches into his back pocket, grabbing my keys. He holds them out to me.

"Thanks," I say, snatching them quickly.
