Page 11 of Hybrid Hearts

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“She did,” one of the leader’s follower’s murmurs, her gaze moving to me.

The brunette cracks her knuckles. Rachel laughs. The scent of summoned magic surrounds us and suddenly all three of them are thrown into the air and suspended there.

I blink up at their irate faces.

“What the...”

“Oh shit...”

“You’ll regret this!”

I glance at Rachel, raising an eyebrow at her.

She shrugs at me, before turning back to them. “Apologize and I’ll let you fall.”

They don’t say a word. All of them hover there in silence, gazes ready to kill.

“Okay,” Rachel says, before they disappear entirely.

I blink at her. “What wasthat?”

“Teleportation spell,” she tells me. “They’re in the woods about an hour’s walk away. They’re definitely going to be late to our next class.”

I don’t know if I should be impressed, or kind of scared.

That’s going to piss them off, and none of them seemed particularly chill in the first place.

First week of college, and I’m already making enemies. Not great.

“I probably shouldn’t have done that,” Rachel admits, as we leave the room.

“They definitely deserved it,” I reassure her.

She smiles at me. “They deserved worse.”

Let’s just hope they don’t retaliate too harshly.

Chapter Seven


Badmove.Terrible.Yetalso kind of thrilling.

Have I turned into some kind of adrenaline junkie? It’s definitely not a smart move to slap down the bitchiest girls in class immediately after starting a new school. I might have shown them that they can’t mess with me, but I also showed I can do much more than levitate.

Not that anyone will necessarily believe them. I hope.

Shit. I really screwed myself over.

Should have ignored them.

I couldn’t. It was hard enough this morning when they were being bitchy about Amanda, a girl who doesn’t have a mean bone in her body, but when they started talking shit about Carter, I saw red.

Whatever this ends up meaning for me, I did what I had to do.

Our final class of the day is on shifter mythology and far more interesting than anything we’ve sat through this week so far. It ends the day on a high, made even better by the fact that those three bitchy girls aren’t shifters. Whatever class they were late back for, it wasn’t this one.

When it’s over, I start to pack my things away while Amanda does the same.
