Page 21 of Hybrid Hearts

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My best friend’s brother was supposed to be my mate. I felt it when we met, and we both felt it when he had his true mate ceremony. I’d thought my life was over when he rejected me.

That I’d never meet someone I really connected with.

Turns out I was wrong. So wrong.

I met three guys and I’m living a dream.

Sean looks up with a bright smile when we get home, his blond hair dark and wet because he still overheats even though the temperature’s starting to drop. My thoughts slide back to the cold shower we shared this morning. The water prickled my skin and made me gasp, but his warm, hard body made every second of it incredible.

“I’ve made a picnic for the drive,” he tells me. “So just let me know when you’re ready to head out.”

“Not straight away,” Parker cuts in, coming out of his room.

He’s in a forest green sweater today, which is a change from his usual black. The pop of color brings out the golden flecks in his unusual amber eyes and makes me stare a little longer than would be considered polite if he wasn’t my mate.

He grabs my hand and I’m swept into his room quickly.

I hear Dante sigh as the door closes behind us.

“Parker,” I start, ready to mildly protest that it was kind of rude of him, when I see the wrapped present on the bed, and I can’t think of the words.

“I know Sean’s taking you out,” he says. “Just give me five minutes, okay?”

“Five minutes for what?” I ask, knowing it can’t have anything to do with our game. There’s no version of it that takes five minutes.

He picks up the gift and hands it to me. “I got you a present.”

“Um, it’s not my birthday or anything...” I start, feeling my face flush.

“I know,” he says. “I just wanted to get you a new one.”

A new one? I undo the bow and start taking off the wrapping paper.

It’s a phone. A brand new, top of the line model that must have cost a fortune.

“Parker, this is too much,” I protest.

He shakes his head. “Your old phone barely works. I had to get you a new one.”

“Thank you,” I tell him, setting the box down on his bed. “I’ll sort it out later, after I’m back.”

He leans in for a kiss, and my body warms instantly, reminding me I’m in heat.

Parker can feel it too, and when he pulls me in closer, I can tell he’s fully aroused.

He breaks the kiss with a sigh, resting his head against mine.

“Don’t stay out all night,” he tells me.

“I can’t make any promises,” I tell him.

I have no idea where Sean’s taking me. I can’t say for sure that we won’t get sidetracked by my heat if we go somewhere secluded.

“I guess not,” he says as he opens his door and lets us out. He looks over at Sean. “Don’t keep her out too late.”

Sean laughs at him. “Don’t wait up.”

He gazes at me, and I just know the heat’s going to wake up the second we’re alone in the car together, and it’s not going to let up until we give in to it. “Are you ready?”
