Page 3 of Hybrid Hearts

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I cling to him as he spins me around, his infectious grin dissolving my worries instantly.

“Carter!” I cry out, laughing as he sets me back down. The room swirls a little and I stumble, but he captures me quickly, pulling me close and watching me with his bright blue, dark-lined eyes.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” he tells me. “I caught my mate distracted by another Omega and I had to sweep her off her feet to make sure I still could.”

I roll my eyes at him, but I keep my smile. He can crack a joke about these things, but I know he’s sensitive too and I wouldn’t have him any other way. “If you’d read my mind, you’d know you’re the only Omega I ever want to look at.”

He raises one dark eyebrow as I push some sexy little thoughts to the front of my mind for him to feed on. I bite down on my lip as his gaze darkens. I’m pressed up close enough to know when he’s suddenly very ready and willing to service my heat.

“New rule,” he tells me, his voice low and teasing, as he leans his head down toward mine.

I let out a soft moan, and he closes his eyes and curses under his breath.

The beat we stand there for, entwined but still, stretches out until I feel my panties start to dampen and my pussy begins to clench in anticipation of being filled.

He clears his throat. “New rule, Rachel. No sexy thoughts on academy grounds unless you’re cool with being expelled for lewd behaviour in front of the entire student body.”

“I can’t control my thoughts, Carter.” Well, maybe I could have ignored the impulse to tease, but I definitely can’t control my thoughts once he starts to look at me like that.

He lets me go with concentrated effort. “Five damn seconds,” he murmurs, letting me know that he’s struggling to control more than his thoughts.

I grab his hand and lead him out of the building, weaving past chatting students to get him outside as swiftly as possible. He catches up as I lead him to my accommodations on campus. We’re too far from home to get there before he thinks too much about what we’re going to do when we’re alone.

My Omega has the same weakness and strength. He can’t control his emotional responses.

It makes foreplay intense, but it also makes everything leading up to foreplay kind of dangerous.

I can’t count the times he’s soaked his boxers over a heated kiss or a few stray sexually charged thoughts. It’s just as well he can get hard again immediately, and for as many times as it takes to leave both of us sated and breathless.

I let us into the building, and we rush to my room. I almost drop the keys getting them out of my bag when he starts to lift my skirt from behind. He lets out a soft groan. I forget to protest as he moves one hand around to my front and pushes it into my panties.

“You’re so wet,” he whispers, as his fingers distract me from unlocking the door.

I swallow a moan as I hear a door shut down the hall.

We’re not exactly alone, I think at my over-eager mate.

I don’t exactly care, he thinks back at me.

It’s happened. We’re submitting to the heat, so I can hear his thoughts as clearly as he can hear mine.

I love how close it makes me feel to have this bond with him, this connection that’s entirely ours.

And I love how sweet you smell when you start to come.

His fingers rub against my clit a little firmer and I suck in a shocked breath as I come.

He puts his other hand over my mouth, and I know it must look so damned suspicious, but it doesn’t stop me from crying out my pleasure. His palm muffles the sound into a high-pitched whine. Another door opens nearby, and I pull myself together enough to turn the key and unlock the door to my room.

Carter removes his hands reluctantly, letting me go.

I open the door and step into the room, turning to see him glancing down the corridor with his fingers in his mouth before he follows me inside.

We might have scandalized one of your neighbors.

“Just one?” I ask, shaking my head as I close the door.

He gives me a grin. “We could always go back out there and put on a real show.”
