Page 31 of Hybrid Hearts

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Her trembling body collapses against mine, and she softly hums a line of the same song she sang me earlier before gasping in a breath and asking, “Is that enough, or do you need the whole song?”

Laughter escapes me. “It’s more than enough.”

The command was vague enough to be satisfied with a single word, and even if it wasn’t, she satisfied me enough for the order to be broken without it.

“Good,” she tells me. “Because I don’t think I can remember the rest of the words right now.”

I lift her up and carry her to my bed.

“Don’t we have to make dinner, or something?” she asks with a yawn as I set her down on the bed.

“I have to make dinner,” I correct her. “You need to rest.”

I’ll need to have a word with Nix. He’s been tiring her out a little too much during the day lately. She doesn’t usually need to pass out after one round of sex, no matter how intense it was.

She snuggles against the pillow, protesting, “But I can help...”

“You can nap,” I tell her. “Don’t force me to make it a command.”

She smiles at me, her bright blue eyes locking with mine. “I love you.”

I smile back as she starts to drift. “I love you, too.”

I leave her to sleep, knowing she’ll wake up the second she smells dinner cooking.

I throw on casual clothes and put my uniform and her clothes in the wash, then, I prep everything for dinner and start writing out a grocery list for the week. I have coffee and start making dinner when it gets closer to seven, when Mason and Nix are due home.

Nix is the first to walk into the room.

I turn my head and he gives a curious sniff.

“Steak fajitas?”

“Got it in one,” I tell him. “Where’s Mace?”

“He’s helping Jillian find her clothes,” he says, giving me a wry smile. “I wonder where they could have gotten to.”

“They’re in the wash.”

“I kind of guessed that,” Nix says, stealing a sliver of pepper. “Considering the living room was kind enough to give me a boner.”

I snort at his confession, and he gives me a shrug.

“About that,” I start, pausing when Jillian walks into the room with Mace.

She’s put on a dress. It’s nice, but it’s nowhere near as appealing as her cut-offs.

“About that?” Nix asks, stealing another slice of pepper.

“Later,” I tell him. “Dinner’s ready.”

I manage to stop cooking the steak before it’s too well done, and I start taking the plates to the table as Jillian and Mace sit down. Nix brings the peppers, but I suspect it’s only so he can eat some more of them. A few minutes later, we’re all sitting down.

That’s when Jillian jumps in her seat and then excuses herself from the table.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, ready to jump up and follow her out of the room.

She takes her phone out of her pocket, the new one we got her a month ago.
