Page 51 of Hybrid Hearts

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“Oh yeah, you’re still using an invocation word,” Dante says.

“Marmalade,” Parker says, making the word pop into my thoughts.

I feel the magic make my fingers tingle now. I see my skin start to glow.

“How…?” I start, looking up at Parker.

He shrugs. “You mouthed it when we were in the woods.”

“I did?”

“Why’d you pick that word?” Dante asks, clearly as amused as Parker.

“She must like marmalade,” Parker says, as if it’s obvious. “Which seems weird considering you’re not that keen on orange juice.”

“I don’t like marmalade,” I inform them. “That’s why I picked the word. Because I never use it.”

“Ah,” Parker says. “Makes sense.”

I look at Dante. “What do I do when I think my reserves are full?”

He turns the water off. “That should do it.”

“Okay, I need something to do with this magic,” I admit.

I’ve absorbed so much I feel kind of shaky.

“Start moving stuff around,” Dante instructs. “Like the fruit in the bowl or the cereal boxes or whatever. That’ll burn a bit off quickly.”

I move the fruit to the kitchen table, then to the floor, the couch, the counter.

I’m still overloaded.

“I think I need to move something bigger.”

“Any volunteers?” Dante asks.

“Fine, move me,” Parker says.

So, I do. I move him from the kitchen to his bedroom.

Sean’s wide eyes fix on the space he just occupied. “I’ll never get used to that.”

He tips the water over his head, and I bite down on my lip.

“Well, Amanda will never get used to that,” Dante informs him.

“She’s already used to it,” Sean comments, shooting me a wink.

My stomach flutters. It doesn’t matter how often he does it, every single time it makes my body start preparing itself for sex. Men just look better wet. I didn’t know that was a thing until I met Sean, but it’s definitely a thing. For me, at least.

Dante rolls his eyes. Parker steps out of his room.

“That was cool,” he says. “But you need to work on your aim, because I materialized on the bed.”

“Maybe that’s where she wanted to put you,” Dante defends me.

Sean raises his eyebrows. “Is it?”
