Page 50 of Hybrid Hearts

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“I’d like to say it doesn’t matter, but it does,” she tells me. “I was killed as a human sacrifice by two of those witches who went after your girl and her friend. There’s something called a Witches’ Council that is dealing with them now, but they couldn’t identify me. My dad thinks I ran out because he wouldn’t let me date some stupid boy. He needs to know what happened.”

Damn. I knew I’d have to do something for her, and it’s one of the hardest favors.

“You don’t need to tell him,” she says, as if she knew what I was thinking. Maybe she does.

If some people can read minds, it makes sense if some ghosts can do the same.

“Then, what?” I ask.

“Tell your girl to give them my name.”

Right. They’ll do the rest from there.

“I’m sorry this happened to you.”

She shrugs. “Could have been worse. At least they didn’t sacrifice me to their Dark Lord. I’ve heard that fucker consumes souls.”

I shiver at that little reminder. Carter almost met that fate.

“So, are you going to tell me your name?” I ask, waiting for it.

She shakes her head. “If you don’t remember me, check your yearbook.”

With that, she vanishes. She really did help, and she isn’t asking for much. I head back into the house, determined to set the wheels in motion as quickly as possible.

Digging out a yearbook is the least I can do.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Dantemadegoodonhis promise to start showing me every spell I could ever possibly hope to know, starting with the spell to replenish my reserves with elemental magic.

“Water’s the easiest,” he admits, as he turns the tap on. He winks suddenly. “You know, you could always do this when you’re in the shower with Sean.”

I feel my face flush, and my eyes widen in horror. No one’s supposed to know about those showers.

“What’s that?” Parker asks from the couch.

“Don’t tell him,” Sean says, as he opens the fridge and pulls out a bottle of water.

“Are they cold showers?” Dante asks, watching my face carefully.

I don’t know what gives it away, but something does, and he laughs lightly.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell.”

“If you do…” Sean trails off.

“You’ll punish me?” Dante asks, raising a pierced eyebrow.

“I’ll send Parker out for your midnight runs.”

“I don’t know anything about showers,” Dante swiftly says. He looks at me. “Now, put your hands under the stream and imagine absorbing the water’s essence into your skin.”

Parker comes to the kitchen sink to see what we’re doing.

It feels like nothing so far, but I’m hopeful.
