Page 105 of Moon Cursed

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“I’ll call Silas,” she tells me, getting her phone out.

I wait while she calls. She doesn’t move away to do it, and instead of a greeting I hear him ask when she’s coming home.

She laughs. “I told you I might be gone all day.”

“And it’s a couple of hours until dinner time now,” he says. “That’s all day.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “You know I meant I don’t know when I’ll be back, and I’m still not sure.”

“It’s going that badly?”

“We might have found something, but I need your help.”

“Will you teleport…”

“I need to preserve my magic. I’m saving my energy for teleporting home when it’s time.”

He makes a noise, then says, “What did you need help with?”

“Oscar might have been possessed by a ghost. We need you to talk to her,” she says.

“And say what, exactly? Have you been possessing my mate’s friend’s mate?”

“I’ll text you the questions to ask, and I’ll give you her full name so you can call on her.”

He groans. “Call on her?”

“You need the practice.”

“Text me the questions,” he says. “Say hi to Cheryl.”

“Silas says hi,” she tells me, as if I couldn’t hear him.

“Hi, Silas,” I say, confirming his suspicion that I’m sitting with his mate right now.

“I’ll call back when I’ve spoken to her.”

“Thanks, Silas,” Rachel says. “Speak to you soon.”

She hangs up when he says bye and looks at me expectantly.

“We need to send him questions. What do you want to ask her?”

Right. “We need to know what she wants, why she’s been talking to Oscar in his dreams. We need to know if she possessed him at any point, especially when that girl was killed. We need to know how she knew he killed that girl if she wasn’t possessing him at the time.”

Rachel types the questions into her phone. She looks up. “Anything else?”

I remember it’s Bianca we’re dealing with here, so I add, “He can tell her if she wants our help, she needs to help us save Oscar from this other pack. We’ll only consider helping her with whatever she’s asking if she helps us first.”

“Okay,” she says, looking up. “Done.”

“How long do you think it’ll take?”

She shrugs. “He needs more practice calling on specific spirits, and because the house is warded, he’ll have to go into the garden to do it. It could take him an hour or so depending on how receptive she is to being called on.”

I groan. I can’t see that girl jumping at anyone else’s orders. I know she’ll make this take longer than it needs to. We’re going to end up down to the wire on this.

Rachel takes my hand. “It’s going to be okay, Cheryl. We’ll get through this.”
