Page 127 of Moon Cursed

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I get ready for a doubtlessly difficult shift and another ruined outfit.

Then, movement captures my glowing eyes in the woods.

An instant later, Ivy and Rachel walk into the garden, their arms around Vi.

I wrest control from my wolf, and the shift that began with fangs and claws and vision reverses sharply. I rush over to them, taking in Vi’s dishevelled appearance and weary state before I look to my Beta for answers.

“What happened?” I ask.

Ivy glances past me. I turn to find Noah and Everett at my back, both only partially dressed as if they decided on shifting the moment I ran out here. The relief on their faces echoes my own, but I’m not ready to celebrate this win just yet.

I turn back to Ivy and Rachel.

“She was sleeping before she came out here, as far as I can tell,” Rachel tells me when Ivy doesn’t start talking. “She’s been rambling a little since we found her, but she’s not hurt. I’m not sure if it was a sleepwalking incident, or if she woke up disoriented and came out here.”

“She doesn’t sleepwalk,” Ivy adds. “But I’ve never seen her like this before. Something’s wrong.”

She sighs softly, and Vi rests her head on her shoulder.

“It was dark,” Vi mumbles. “So dark.”

“It’s not a spell,” Rachel says, clearly thinking along the same lines that I am.

“She needs to lie down,” Ivy says. “She’s exhausted.”

I nod. “Let’s get her inside.”

I’m glad she’s not hurt, that she wasn’t taken by that pack.

“I can carry her,” Noah offers. “She looks like she wants to be off her feet.”

Ivy offers him a wry smile. “That would be great.”

He tugs his T-shirt down, covering his abs. His feet are bare. He must have kicked his sneakers off inside the house. I watch Ivy and Rachel release Vi into his arms. She stumbles a little, and she mumbles incoherently when he lifts her.

I turn back to the house and Everett looks back at me. He’s in his underwear, and he isn’t carrying any clothes. Clearly, he was faster to start stripping when they decided they’d need to shift.

There’s a reason they wear clothes that are easy to get in and out of.

My corset dress and boots are what I’d chose to wear as a witch, but I make the decision there and then that I’m sticking to more basic clothes for a while. I need to be able to shift faster.

Especially while my magic is too drained to be of any use.

“What now?” he asks, as we move back toward the house.

“I don’t know,” I tell him.

I’m worn out, mentally, emotionally and physically.

If I could do anything right now, it would be sleep.

Unfortunately, that’s not an option.

I get inside and stand by the door while Everett grabs his jeans off the hallway floor. Noah steps inside with Vi, who looks like she’s passed out in his arms.

“Where should I put her down?” he asks.

I realize he’s looking to me for the answer. “Uh…”
