Page 149 of Moon Cursed

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“Sounds good to me.”

I head for the shower while he relaxes in bed. Yesterday was unbearably painful, but the damage is already being repaired. We have a plan to get our Omega back, and no one can stop us.

Chapter Eighty-Nine


I’mbackinthatweirdly familiar field by the time Bianca finds me again. I can’t see her, but I can hear her calling my name. It sounds like she’s pissed off, but she kind of always sounds that way. I tell myself it doesn’t mean she’s in a bad mood.

“Bye weird field,” I say, waving as I turn around and head back through the door that leads to the academy corridor. I walk back to the classroom and open the door.

Bianca’s inside like I thought she’d be. I step into the room and close the door.

“Okay, I’m back. What did you find out?”

She frowns at me. “Where did you go? I was in here yelling on you for ages.”

“I don’t think I made this room,” I tell her. “It’s yours. Feels wrong when you’re not here so I left.”

“Oh,” she says. “I guess it’s the place I associate with you. Not the place you associate with me.”

“I guess so,” I tell her. “So?”

“Right,” she says. “I wandered around, but the place you’re in is pretty huge and it’s not like I can pick things up. Well, I kind of can, if I try really hard, but it’s not usually worth the effort.”

“Did you see where the Alpha went, or hear him talking to anyone?”

She shakes her head. “He was lying on a bed upstairs, but he didn’t seem to be sleeping. I think he was meditating, or something like that.”

“Huh,” I say.

“You’re probably going to wake up soon,” she says. “Will you tell your pack I did what they asked?”

“Yeah, sure,” I tell her, because why not? She thinks everything’s going to be fine. Why burst her bubble?

She narrows her eyes at me. “You’re fobbing me off.”

“I am not,” I deny, wondering how she can tell.

“I can’t believe you won’t stand up for me…” she starts.

“It’s not that I won’t tell them,” I admit, stopping her from going off on a rant. “I would, if I thought I was getting out of this. I don’t see it. This guy, this Alpha. He’s dangerous. It would be better if they didn’t risk coming out here. In fact, that’s what you should go back and tell them. Don’t risk their lives for me. I’ll be okay.”

“You’ve been locked in a closet all night,” she reminds me. “And we don’t know what this guy has planned.”

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t want anyone getting hurt because of me.”

She shakes her head. “I can’t believe you have everything I ever wanted and you’re not fighting to keep it. Everett and your mate would do anything to get you back. They can’t stand me, and they asked me to help. You can’t throw all that away.”

“I don’t want to, but I want them to live. If that means they live without me, then so be it. The risk is too big. There’s something really off about this Alpha. We can’t let them challenge him.”

“You’re absolutely serious about this?”

I nod. It hurts, but I am.

It would kill me if Cheryl or Everett were gone forever because of this whole fucking mess.

Because my wolf randomly decided to go homicidal.
