Page 163 of Moon Cursed

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I send my mate a text, and the front door opens about three seconds later.

“We’ll see you later on. Thanks for coming,” I say, glancing at Dante so he knows I mean both of them.

He gives a hint of a smile, but he’s nowhere near as outgoing as his Alpha.

Sean smiles. “No problem. Good luck with everything.”

“Thanks,” I tell him, stepping aside to let Dante through the open gates.

They head to the house, and Everett shuts and locks the gates after them.

Rachel gets back in the car. This is it now.

We’re headed into unfriendly territory.

Better be ready for anything.

Chapter Ninety-Six


Thesoundofakey in the lock snaps me out of my meditative state. I stand up quickly, my heart hammering. Fucking hell, I need to piss. Standing here waiting for the asshole to open the door after the lock has been turned really doesn’t help. Is he being slow to torture me, or to see if I immediately make a grab for the handle? Will something happen if I grab it?

I fold my arms, not willing to find out.

The door opens after a few long minutes pass, minutes that I count out in my head.

It’s bright outside the closet, even with his lumbering frame blocking most of the light.

I squint and hold my arm up over my brow.

“This way,” he tells me, walking away.

I step out of the closet after a second’s hesitation.

Fuck knows where’s he’s taking me next.

Anywhere but the bathroom would be a nasty surprise right now.

I walk like I desperately need to use the little boy’s room, because I might wet my pants if I don’t.

“I need a toilet break,” I call out, making the Alpha stop and turn around.

He gives me a disgusted look. As if he’s never had to answer a call of nature in his life. Dickhead.

He takes a few steps back toward me, and the look on his face is so ferocious I half-think he’s going to punch me in the bladder. He grabs the handle of a door I was about to pass and pushes it open instead. The bathroom is tiny. Just a toilet and a tiny sink. But it’s a bathroom! I dart inside and undo my jeans, yanking the toilet seat up and bringing my dick out at the same time. I relieve myself, and it doesn’t stop for ages. Funny. I don’t remember drinking fourteen litres of water yesterday.

I shake when I’m done. Flush and wash my hands.

Okay. Now I’m ready for whatever today’s fresh hell is.

I do my jeans back up and leave the tiny room.

“This way,” the Alpha growls.

He leads me down the corridor.

I follow him until he stops.
