Page 187 of Moon Cursed

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I quickly move in at her back, and Everett breathes out a sigh.

“Guess I’m first up for the shower then,” he says, heading into our private bathroom.

I hug my mate close, and she hugs our Omega.

If I had to make a goal, it would be to never be apart from my pack.

I don’t know how Oscar got through everything he did.

The time I spent away from them all was bad enough.

“I don’t want to move from this bed all day, either.”

Chapter One-Hundred-Eleven


IdressandleaveCheryl dozing in bed with Noah and Oscar. As much as I’d like to join them in sleeping late, I know there’ll be some stuff to take care of, and I want to make sure I’m dealing with it properly.

I can’t let what happened to Oscar happen to any member of my pack ever again.

When I open the door, I half-expect to find the kid outside the room, waiting to be taken down the stairs for breakfast, but he’s not.

The kid. Leo. Oscar’s half-brother.

Problem number one, his mother. If she hadn’t double-crossed us, it would be an easy decision.

Invite her into the pack. Let them hang out for a bit before we ask them to accept or decline.

Now? I don’t trust her.

I’ll have to speak to her before I can make a decision, and of course, I’ll need to talk everything over with Cheryl so we can make sure we’re on the same page as Alphas.

I start down the stairs, recognizing recent scent trails from Rachel, Leo and Ophelia.

Oscar’s sister got here by the hand of The Fates, and, surprise, she brought a problem with her. The kind of problem that’s going to take a while to resolve. We need to find out where she was so we can rescue the other captives. Considering she doesn’t even know it’s not going to be an easy task.

I’ve barely been out of the bedroom five minutes and I’m getting a headache.

I think about turning back around, but I know it’s pointless.

The problems will still be here when I eventually surface.

Might as well start dealing with them before they get any worse.

I follow all three trails into the kitchen, where I find Leo perched on the counter next to where the cupcakes are stored, stuffing his little face with one of the biggest ones.

Ophelia’s standing next to him, another of the big ones in her hand, while she swipes the frosting off with one finger and eats it one tiny blob at a time.

Rachel’s sitting down at the table, looking at her phone. There’s a glass of water in front of her.

“Hey, guys,” I say, watching Leo’s eyes go wide.

He chews quickly and smiles at me. “Every!”

Ophelia looks at me. “Oh, you’re Every? I started thinking that was his imaginary friend.”

“What’s a ’maginary friend?” Leo asks.
