Page 50 of Moon Cursed

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I just don’t expect the doorbell ringing to sound like a fucking church bell and to be so loud it feels like we’re in the tower with it. We quit the petty bickering instantly, and Oscar pulls back the sheets.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“This is about me. I need to be there.” He’s naked when he steps out of the bed.

It’s not like we don’t see each other in this state when we shift, but I move in front of him with a hint of reluctance when he stomps toward the door.

“This is for Everett and Cheryl to sort out, Oscar. You can’t get in the middle of it.”

“I already am in the middle of it,” he tells me, pushing against my grasp. “I need to know what they decide down there. I can’t sit up here and pretend this isn’t happening.”

“They need to follow the rules. You can’t be there.”

I’m stronger than he is, and we both know it.

For a second, I think his determination’s going to push him to try something dirty. His stare is almost feral with anger. I brace myself for a bite, or a slap. Something. He sighs and pulls back.

“You’re right.” He starts walking back to the bed. “You’re right.”

He sinks down onto the mattress and covers himself back up.

He goes back to staring solemnly into space.

Fuck. I really hope Everett and Cheryl can sort this shit out.

Chapter Thirty-Four


I’vebarelygottentheoatmeal box out of the cupboard before the doorbell goes off. I wince at how damn loud it is. Clearly, we had some kind of power-cut we don’t know about since the last time someone pushed the button. It only ever resets to full volume after the power’s gone out. I put the box down and steel myself for the encounter with the other Alpha.

I curse under my breath as I step out of the kitchen. I can see Everett’s already on his way from the lounge to answer the door. I move quickly to catch up with him and be by his side as he opens the door.

The man standing on our doorstep has come onto the property alone, but I can see he has two Betas waiting outside the gates, ready to move at his command. I barely glance at them. One of them was in the woods last night, the other has an unfamiliar scent, as does the Alpha.

I look back at the Alpha as he clears his throat and gives us a pleasant smile. I think he’s middle-aged, like the people we listened to in the woods last night. He looks a bit younger; late thirties to early forties, but the lines that crinkle the corners of his eyes and mouth when he smiles give him away as older. He also has an unassuming look about him, but he reeks of power at the same time.

My initial assumption that we’re dealing with dangerous criminals could be off, but I doubt it.

“Introductions are in order,” he tells us. “I’m Liam Mercer, Alpha of the Limestone Ridge pack.”

“Everett Hartnett,” I introduce, when my mate does nothing but stare viciously. “Cheryl Dartmore.”

“I’ve heard of you both,” he admits. “I’m sorry that our first meeting comes under such terrible circumstances, but I believe you know why I’m here.”

“Come inside,” I invite, when Everett doesn’t.

My mate’s knuckles are turning white where he’s holding the door open, and I can tell he’s close to a partial shift. It’s taking all his energy to control his wolf. He’s ready for a fight to the death.

I’m going to have to take the lead here. If only to avoid making the situation bloodier than it needs to be. I take Everett’s arm and move him slightly to allow Liam to enter the hallway.

He does so with a low whistle. “Even fancier than it looks from the outside.”

Everett growls, his stare fixed on the other Alpha as he looks around the hallway.

“We can talk in here,” I tell him, directing him to the open door that leads into the lounge.

It still smells a little bit like disinfectant. The cleaners were in here less than an hour ago, at Everett’s request. He’d allowed them to avoid this room while we weren’t likely to use it, but we knew it was going to be the easiest option for this meeting.
