Page 58 of Moon Cursed

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“That sounds great.”

I invoke the spell.

He picks up his spoon. “Here goes nothing.”

He scoops a mouthful and closes his eyes. Puts the spoon into his mouth.

Opens his eyes wide and points to his mouth as he starts to chew.

Noah laughs. Oscar swallows and stares at me.

“This is crazy. You’re a miracle worker.”

“Just a witch, actually,” I remind him.

“No, you’re also a goddess,” Noah tells me.

I feel my face flush at the compliment, and I thank Freya my make-up covers my blushes.

Everett frowns at Oscar as he eats. He looks at Noah for a few more seconds before he scoops some of his oatmeal up. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

I sprinkle my own oatmeal with the last of the salt.

It’s a little more than I need, but I don’t want to leave Noah with a portion. I made this batch with enhancements so it could be invoked by anyone, to let him use it when he wanted. That was a mistake. From now on I’m the only one who can invoke it.

I make mine taste like mixed fruits.

Everett makes a disgusted noise and moves away from the table quickly to spit out his mouthful into the sink. He tips the rest of his bowl down the garbage disposal a second later.

“Bacon flavored oatmeal?” I ask, with my eyebrow raised.

“I think I’ll stick to magic-free meals,” he tells me, as he heads to the fridge.

“You don’t know what you’re missing,” Noah says.

Oscar’s mouth is full, but he makes some muffled talking noises that seem to echo agreement with Noah’s comment. Everett removes a full package of bacon from the fridge and heads to the counter.

“I’ll take my chances,” Everett says.

Noah shrugs at me, then his eyes land on the empty container in front of my bowl.

He swallows and reaches across the table to pick it up. “This was just the last of this jar, right? You made more?”

“Yeah, sure. I made time for magic salt making between rescuing Oscar from that pack and talking some sense into their Alpha,” I tell him.

His expression falters, but only for a second.

“No big deal,” he says. “I was starting to forget what boring foods taste like anyway.”

Oscar snorts, luckily between bites.

Noah glowers at him before going back to his breakfast, taking smaller bites than he was.

The conversation dies while we eat, and Everett’s bacon starts to fry.

I’m the first to get up, any hint of hunger leaving me when I start to think about what needs to happen to clear Oscar’s name.

“I need to call Rachel,” I decide out loud.
